Author Topic: Who/what inspired you to start modeling?  (Read 1424 times)

most 3D modeling i did was in my introductory engineering class with CAD

now I just have to learn to script ;_;
Yeah I want to learn torque once I get into the swing of things with modeling
I know HTML, CSS and Java, which I despise with a burning passion.

My hot bod scored me some great modeling opportunities

i did a tiny bit of modeling a long time ago, they sucked but oh well. Iw as inspired by armyunit's many addons

my dad had his own 3d game engine. i observed him create video games when i was very small, and aspired to do the same.
unfortunately, i didn't understand at all how to use the modelling programs i was provided with:

this delayed my modeling experience by many years. now i'm ok-ish at modeling.

I started messing around with the Unity game engine when I was about 13 or 14 (I'm almost 20 now for reference), and shortly after that I started using Blender to model. I think Unity was still in the version 3 era at that point. I've modeled fairly consistently (not a lot, just consistently) since then, and have gotten fairly decent.

(Used SketchUp for this one.)

IMO, you shouldn't let people tell you (or let yourself think that) Blender is too difficult to use. In terms of modeling, it's pretty standard and not that much different than most other programs. Ignore the stuff you don't need, and move on to it when you are comfortable. Once you get started, it's a lot easier to pick up the finer points of the program.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 11:17:58 AM by BluetoothBoy »

I learned how to do it by myself because I was inspired by bushidos weps. I guess im doing it right because of this:

flame throwing thing