
do you like donald trump (Please be serious when polling)

84 (35%)
156 (65%)

Total Members Voted: 240

Author Topic: do you like donald Annoying Orange?  (Read 10018 times)

yeah, tell that to the mongols
From what I can find, the wall at the point the mongols came through was mostly made of piles of dirt, so it was a stuffty wall that wasn't finished.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 10:00:39 AM by Cappytaino »

i feel like people are picking yes as a joke

i feel like people are picking yes as a joke
"someone has a different opinion than me they must be joking"

i feel like people are picking yes as a joke
to be fair all of your posts look like jokes

i feel like people are picking yes as a joke
Or maybe people have different opinions than you. Though, given Age: N/A, I wouldn't expect you to understand politics until you're an adult with real responsibility with a job and taxes, and no, your homework and cleaning your room don't count :)

Of course I don't. It was funny at first because I thought it was a joke candidate like our Omar Obaca but this turned out to be real can cause considerable damage to the world.

This thread is sarcasm central.

i hope Annoying Orange gets rid of black people too

but that's not necessarily representative of his entire platform. I think that some ideas are good that I never see mentioned, like:
Ending the empire building in the Middle East
Simplify the tax code and cut taxes on the lower and middle classes
And the most important to me is Transparency. Annoying Orange isn't in anyone's pocket. He says what he thinks, even if it isn't the popular opinion, and that's a fairly good litmus test for the legitimacy of a candidate. Annoying Orange was never about what people want to hear, which is the norm for politicians.
These are all good ideas yes, almost every politician has at least one or two good ideas. But politicians don't just have two or three policies, they have dozens. The fact that you could only choose 3 that were good is proof positive that he's not a good candidate.

Let's go over my criticism of him, yes? He's:
- Narcissistic
I don't even have to back this one up, literally everyone knows this. He's basically the Kanye West of the presidential race, and we might even have Kanye in 2020, god help us...

- Anti-science
He thinks that global warming is a conspiracy theory designed by the Chinese to suppress the US economy, and that because it's cold outside, that global warming doesn't exist.

Seriously, this is the biggest load of bullstuff that's humanly possible. Oh no, there's snow outside, your argument is invalid! In case you don't know, yes, global warming is real and we're already seeing the effects of it. Despite what Annoying Orange has said, we're reaching record high and record low temperatures all over the world, much faster than we ever have before. Droughts, torrential downpours, record highs and lows, overall we're seeing more extreme weather, which scientists predicted TO A T.
We're seeing the effects of global warming in every possible way, including:
- Sea levels rising (6.7 inches raised in the last century, and most of that was within the last decade)
- Global temperature raising
- Ocean temperature raising
- (As mentioned) More and more extreme weather and natural disasters
- Shrinking ice sheets
- Ocean acidification (Which is now starting to forget over coral reefs and could result in actual extinctions. Way to go, world.)
And the list goes on.
If you want to get seriously educated on this, here's a really good read, totally free: http://www.ccrc.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/Copenhagen_Diagnosis_HIGH.pdf
It's basically an accumulation of the latest climate change research up to 2011. Global warming has gotten even worse since then, keep that in mind.

And his position on vaccines is absolutely ridiculous too. He thinks that getting multiple vaccines at the same time causes autism.

And then he goes on to call actual doctors liars! He's literally calling it a global conspiracy to cause autism in infants! What the forget!

Despite what he's said however, his blatant lies are bullstuff. Whenever (And I do mean whenever) a study has been done with a proper sample size and proper methodology, the outcome has been the exact same: VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. It doesn't matter if you get 1 at a time or all at once. Vaccines just do not cause autism. Many of the studies looking into this have sample sizes in the millions, the amount of doubt that scientists have is a big fat zero percent.
If you want to see an extremely small portion of all the studies available, look here: https://www.aap.org/en-us/Documents/immunization_vaccine_studies.pdf

- Common-sense-lacking.
See previous point. All it takes is the tiniest bit of common sense to realize how goddamn stupid his 'opinions' are. He clearly has none. Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to think all this stupid stuff? Extremely stupid, that's how stupid you'd have to be.

He's also a gambler (Which can be easily seen from his multiple bankrupt businesses. I know he has more than those, that doesn't change the point), and from a foreign policy perspective, basically a ticking time bomb purely due to his narcissistic, extremely confrontational personality. He WILL ruin foreign relations if he is elected president. There's simply no getting around it. Why would you want someone like that in office? You don't, that's what. It baffles me how people can actually support him.

Hungary, Israel, and Croatia are three countries which have been spending money on securing their borders with the desired results, and I don't see how securing a national border, which is by nature illegal to cross unless sanctioned, is a discriminatory act.
It's not a "discriminatory act" unless the person spearheading it makes it one, which Annoying Orange most certainly has. He's made it completely clear that he hates Mexicans in general. He tried to remedy this by saying "Oh some of them are nice," but he's still calling the majority of Mexicans rapists and other bad things. That's completely besides the point though, and the point is it's an absolutely pointless, wasteful endeavor to do it to the extend that Annoying Orange wants to do.

Mexico receives a tremendous amount of money in foreign aid and still fails to stop the flood of guns and narcotics across the border.
They receive an amazingly small amount of money compared to what you would legitimately need to stop the organized crime rings down there. They've gotten just barely over a half a billion dollars. You'd need ten times that to make a dent in the cartels control over the country. http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/DT.ODA.ALLD.CD

to be fair all of your posts look like jokes

"someone has a different opinion than me they must be joking"

Or maybe people have different opinions than you. Though, given Age: N/A, I wouldn't expect you to understand politics until you're an adult with real responsibility with a job and taxes, and no, your homework and cleaning your room don't count :)

calm down

calm down you weirdos
ironic coming from you considering the way you loving act on here

90% of people liking Annoying Orange here is a joke and just trying to jump on the "meme" lmao
« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 11:57:30 AM by MrLoL² »

ironic coming from you considering the way you loving act on here
I like being picked up by my friends who are boys, no homo tho

he's GREAT