Author Topic: I've made a game. I need a name for it.  (Read 970 times)

I've made a computer game for my software assignment.
Its a basic top down shooter in allegro using C++.
You play as a British soldier in WW1 who is up against waves of ze germans trying to cross no mans land. You are able to use points from killing the enemy to dig trenches, place barbed wire which slows down the enemy.
its very basic, runs pretty well but looks ugly af (I'll release the game on forums after I've handed it in)

What should it be called?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 02:23:15 PM by Lord Furdle »

You play as a British soldier in WW1 who is up against waves of national socialists

Software assignment aside, your history teacher should be ashamed of you.

GERMANS. Sorry, I mean Germans!!

...It's been a long week.

Britain was an allied power and didn't fight in the war as much.

national socialistsm wasn't really a huge thing in WWI, but it was a real ideology of German nationalism. Here's a photo from 1918.
That is Leutenant Eberhardt Mohnicke, sporting his new paint job. The plane was used in Red Baron's flying circus.

forget Germany (I mean that's what you should name it)

forget Germany (I mean that's what you should name it)
what hhhh nvm

Freedom Seeker: German Wars

One Man, One Army

Germany Takedown:

German Waves Survival

British Man VS German Warzone

Alone in the Warfare
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 02:31:54 PM by Filipe »

Britain was an allied power and didn't fight in the war as much.
britain suffered the second most number of allied casualties in ww1...

Call of Duty: Trench Warfare