Author Topic: WXT v1: VOTING Anonymous Image board (no longer beta)  (Read 4599 times)

it was an absolute mess last time lol
last time it was beautiful

nsfw images???
anything you can imagine

last time it was beautiful
it was a beautiful mess

So why is everyone like "here we go again" or "here comes the storm"?
There was an insane ratio of nsfw content and actual content last time, so in other words a lot of loli and furry research. That and there was the occasional gore and spam. However on the good side of things those things don't seem to be happening this time though, like even the some of the couple of marked nsfw images we have are just usually suggestive and not 100% nsfw so far.

where is the legend 4F1ND

that meme master

you can't use numbers in your names dang

Who made this? The quality is amazing, it has to be brand new.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 06:45:57 PM by Sami2ss »

Who made this? The quality is amazing, it has to be brand new.
A reverse image search shows that it is quite a stale meme.

How do you change your name?
Click the SETTINGS.user link.

A reverse image search shows that it is quite a stale meme.
pecon? a top-tier meme appraiser? this is news to me

A reverse image search shows that it is quite a stale meme.
Click the SETTINGS.user link.

I found out how, sorry. Thanks, though.

As for the image, I didn't bother reverse image searching because it seemed like it would have had some compression artifacts if it was as stale as you say.

pecon? a top-tier meme appraiser? this is news to me

I would hardly consider a Annoying Orange Pepe top tier.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 06:54:13 PM by Sami2ss »

I added a slight zoom in upon clicking for larger images

I'm experimenting with adding quoting in but so far i haven't been sure how I want to implement it into the interface because whatever I try just looks strange and over-cluttering in this simplistic comment section

I'm might simplify it down to simply replying to people similar to @'ing people on twitter

added user replying/tagging
type in >>USER-NAME and it will tag a user with a link to their profile

added wav support
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 01:04:32 PM by Swollow »

Now announcing the WXT championships!

The player with the most posts at any given time will now have a fancy colored name!

Let the games begin!
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 01:40:04 PM by Pecon »

i mistook ADMIN_SWOL to be Swollhi at first

Now announcing the WXT championships!

Let the games begin!

oh god now people are going to spam with even more filler trash