Author Topic: Randomized bot movement  (Read 1010 times)

I'm working on a build that involves bots randomly moving in a grid pattern, however, they tend to get stuck as they will eventually move toward eachother and can no longer reach the next brick.

Is there any way to either have the bots be non-colliding with other bots, or something such as "onBotTouched > bot > returnToBrick"?  <--- this would return the bot to the brick that had just called "goToBrick" on the bot.

make it go to other brick if takes too long

if you have bots travel on the left/right of pathways, they won't collide, but will still be moving on a grid of nodes
think of the pathways as streets and the nodes as intersections, then the bots are the cars

typically if two bots run into each other they tussle it out and one of them usually jumps or goes to the side of the other

if you have bots travel on the left/right of pathways, they won't collide, but will still be moving on a grid of nodes
think of the pathways as streets and the nodes as intersections, then the bots are the cars
I've considered doing this.  Also adds 4 times the events which I want to stay away from if I can.  Will probably be a last resort.

typically if two bots run into each other they tussle it out and one of them usually jumps or goes to the side of the other
I'm using the default bots which in this case do nothing but move from brick to brick. 

Is it possible to attach a VCE variable to a bot?  If it is, I could have a boolean that is checked by the brick some number of seconds after the bot leaves, and move the bot back to that brick if it hasn't reached the next one.

sure but i think you dont need VCE for this.

sure but i think you dont need VCE for this.
If the bot reaches the brick, I could have all bricks that it could have come from cancel their events.  The only problem with this is that bots that arrive at those bricks and continue on are suddenly caught because they will stop moving.