U can use my wrists bb <3
Your immune system causes the inflammation in your wrists like my ass causes the inflammation in your rooster ;)
I like black rooster
Does that count
I love that statement
Ouchies, it's ok bb I giv u my luv and ass fo free
moar bb moar
you've got a nice pair
of balls
it's ok bb i'll nurse u bak to health~
cum rest your head on my ass
better than the time I gave you a herniated richard


he wouldn't show me his genitals
I like it when you're aggressive
tel yo gf to go to a diff hairdresser
and break up wit u
so we can date
[many more tenshi quotes]
honestly I don't really see why tenshi doesn't really get stuff on that much for constantly harassing and acting like a total creep around here. if you look through
his posts, 99% of them are either horny or suggestive reaction gifs or pleads for love in broken up grammar to make himself look cute. the reality is, he's a 21 year-old man that has nothing better to do than to prey on every "hunk" he finds on the blockland forums. i'm fine with tenshi keeping his loveual outcries in the real life picture thread, but it's just really stupid to see him follow around his boyfriends into other threads and constantly want to suck their richard. reminder, all of the quotes given above are all from the past 4 days, and I didn't even count some of them. he reminds me of a 12 year-old with ADHD that keeps on making the same jokes over and over about snake and buttlove because it's all he knows and all he finds pleasure in. obviously most 12 year-olds don't actually want to buttforget and it's just a stupid joke to them, but in this case it's literal. honestly tenshi, just keep all your stuff in one topic and
get something to eat.