Author Topic: OnMinigameWin/Lose>PlaySound  (Read 1095 times)

Well, do you want onMinigameWin/Lose or Minigame > Playsound, or both? "/title" doesn't explain it correctly

Pecon's extended playSound events, available here, can play sound to minigame.

I'm not sure how you would do the lose part.

I don't believe we have a non-slayer onMinigameWin equivilent, but slayer does have onMinigameRoundEnd which is pretty well the same thing.
As for PlaySound, I'm assuming you wanted a minigame wide playsound.

Marios posted that before me.

Well, do you want onMinigameWin/Lose or Minigame > Playsound, or both? "/title" doesn't explain it correctly
Win and Lose

But... wot?
No matter what, someone's winning and someone's losing, both are always going to be called at the same time and there's no way to determine which bricks the events should get called on.

Win and Lose
This still doesn't make any sense because both will get called

This could only work with Slayer though but you can't really tell who wins/loses so this wouldn't work

The point of having a mini game win and lose is so you can play two DIFFERENT sounds to the two teams. The winners could get a victory theme while the losers receive the announcer mocking them.

The point of having a mini game win and lose is so you can play two DIFFERENT sounds to the two teams. The winners could get a victory theme while the losers receive the announcer mocking them.

You don't need to quote him unless you're going to add onto it.

I understand what he wants now but it's not going to work because Slayer doesn't seem to have anything we can package to tell who wins/loses and I'd rather not rewrite any of Slayer's functions.
The default minigame system is much worse so there's no way to tell who wins or loses.

Ex. in events, Team 1 or 2, etc. wins, plays sound; If team 1 or 2, etc. loses play sound

Ex. in events, Team 1 or 2, etc. wins, plays sound; If team 1 or 2, etc. loses play sound
Yes, something like onMiniLoseTeam1, onMiniWinTeam1, etc; unfortunately like I've said above it might not be possible without rewriting Slayer's functions which is not a good idea.

Yes, something like onMiniLoseTeam1, onMiniWinTeam1, etc; unfortunately like I've said above it might not be possible without rewriting Slayer's functions which is not a good idea.
ik, last time i did that, WWII happened

Very hacky method but,
like I did with the SetFriendlyFire event, you could package the callback function. Check if the method is "onRoundEnd", and the 'winners' are in the %v0 arg.