Author Topic: C-Zech Chrome Ind: Autistic moron who really likes to use a thesaurus, Flaming.  (Read 30859 times)

"unprovoked" when you lash at him whenever you can
seriously I'm not saying that it's right for him to continue the chain but you're definitely not the victim of his "crimes"

am I like literally the only one who doesn't automatically have a vendetta against him because he talks formally on casual occasions
that's like kicking someone out of a birthday party because they're wearing a suit and tie, despite the fact that they had a clear invitation to the party

He doesn't "talk formally". He talks like English is his 3rd language. Read this stuff:

You even go on to say you don't even need proof, because the invisible evidence is everywhere.

Due to your actions and the information you have provided, I gather this: You're a hormonal teenager with no frontal-lobe brain development, unable to project advanced consequence to action.  Because you are unable to form any kind of logical argument, you just try and abstractly put me down for wrongs that you aren't even willing to provide proof for.

"project advanced consequence to action"

This isn't the equivalent of "showing up to a birthday party in a suit and tie", this is the equivalent of dressing up in a trench coat and fedora and then complaining about women choosing men with no taste in fashion. He legitimately doesn't understand how to use the words he's typing.

Quote from: C-Zech Chrome Ind. on Yesterday at 11:25:36 AM
I hope your ban is permanent.
this was unprovoked
He said that cause you wished every single user who was chain banned, for their ban's to be permanent. What he said was tame compared to yours.

i don't really understand the point of having to use the biggest words possible

i would rather look unintelligent by rarely using a word with more than two syllables in it than look like a complete dork

You even go on to say you don't even need proof, because the invisible evidence is everywhere.

Due to your actions and the information you have provided, I gather this: You're a hormonal teenager with no frontal-lobe brain development, unable to project advanced consequence to action.  Because you are unable to form any kind of logical argument, you just try and abstractly put me down for wrongs that you aren't even willing to provide proof for.

"unprovoked" when you lash at him whenever you can
seriously I'm not saying that it's right for him to continue the chain but you're definitely not the victim of his "crimes"
Oh, so it's all OUR fault and not any of his fault?  "We're all just being big jerks, he's in no wrong!!!"

Stop blindly defending this dude.

Oh, so it's all OUR fault and not any of his fault?  "We're all just being big jerks, he's in no wrong!!!"

Stop blindly defending this dude.
you really cant justify making fun of how someone speaks, thats what he is getting at bonesy
no matter what if you think he is being an ass or not, pickin on the way he speaks is really stuffty

you really cant justify making fun of how someone speaks, thats what he is getting at bonesy
no matter what if you think he is being an ass or not, pickin on the way he speaks is really stuffty

Dude, he doesn't have a loving speech impediment, he is consciously choosing to type this way.

Dude, he doesn't have a loving speech impediment, he is consciously choosing to type this way.
i understand that, and that is his choice. i can read it just fine, i see the message he is trying to get across whenever he speaks. is it really your problem that he types that way? no, the problem is what he does. focus on the real issues instead of nitpicking on the small things, rather than how he speaks. once again,

you can never justify making fun of the way someone speaks. ever.

no matter how stupid you think it is, bucko.

i understand that, and that is his choice. i can read it just fine, i see the message he is trying to get across whenever he speaks. is it really your problem that he types that way? no, the problem is what he does. focus on the real issues instead of nitpicking on the small things, rather than how he speaks. once again,

you can never justify making fun of the way someone speaks. ever.

no matter how stupid you think it is, bucko.

i realize i used both "rather than" and "instead of" in the same sentence
i should go to sleep

you can never justify making fun of the way someone speaks. ever.
no matter how stupid you think it is, bucko.

Why's that, bucko? Does it trigger you?

Nobody has made fun of the way C-Zech speaks. They've criticized the way he TYPES, as in, despite being able to read and look up the definitions of the words he is using, edit his sentences and review his posts an infinite amount of times before he makes them, he still manages to use words incorrectly. In an argument where he's condescending to someone, no less. Seems to me like the guy is reaping the exact consequences of his stuffty posts.

is it really your problem that he types that way?

Is it really your problem that I have a problem with the way he types? Cool logic bro

Holy stuff, speaks/speaking = types/typing you dumbass

Dreams of cheese put it quite nicely and I agree with this

This is where you're wrong. People aren't giving you stuff because you sound like some other person who is an starfish. You just flat out sound like an starfish. This long-winded bullstuff filler style you have going now is obnoxious. You could very easily cut out like half of what you write and it would be way easier to read. At the very least, try to be like Sir Dooble. He types long posts, but he isn't pretentious as hell doing it. Compare his posts to your posts. You have way more filler in yours.

the way he is typing is feeling like a bullstuffted attempt at sounding smart, its not hard to cut it down

He's trying too hard to sound like he knows what he's talking about and it comes off as annoying and 'try hard' for lack of a better word.

Its the way he naturally loving types, and a few times he makes it sound eztra weird just for when he reaponds with sarcasm. Do all of you seriously get triggered over nothing or do you have a reading impairment. I can read his stuff perfectly clear and alot of others too. Nitpicking at the way someone types is just low and the stufftiest of stuff