Author Topic: C-Zech Chrome Ind: Autistic moron who really likes to use a thesaurus, Flaming.  (Read 30858 times)

you didn't read the op.
Oh I've been brown townyzing the OP and i've came to the conclusion that you have a very warped perception on what flaming is. If you want I can hit you with the wall of quotes and show you every instance of discrepancy.

Plus patton, you are one to call czech out on flaming, yet you do it quite alot :P

Oh I've been brown townyzing the OP and i've came to the conclusion that you have a very warped perception on what flaming is. If you want I can hit you with the wall of quotes and show you every instance of discrepancy.
You're 17, and you've just made a post about hooking up with two girls.  "(stickitinherpooper)"  you say afterwards.

How can you not see your own conduct?  Why can't I provoke you to say something other than a bland excuse?

You have just done exactly as I told you not to:  You completely ignored every single question that would jeopardise your ego, and you went onto critisizing me (with no proof, I might add)
You even go on to say you don't even need proof, because the invisible evidence is everywhere.

Due to your actions and the information you have provided, I gather this: You're a hormonal teenager with no frontal-lobe brain development, unable to project advanced consequence to action.  Because you are unable to form any kind of logical argument, you just try and abstractly put me down for wrongs that you aren't even willing to provide proof for.

What does that say about you?

If anything, aren't you even interested in proving to me that I'm in the wrong in order to help me see what I've done?  If you can't provide proof, I can't see what I've done. You're not just going sit there and call me an idiot 24/7, are you?

Read the quote and look at who he is replying to, and why

A shocker ooo

Plus patton, you are one to call czech out on flaming, yet you do it quite alot :P
dude u just flamed rally stop trying to provoke patton

The 'hormonal teenager' section is slightly suspect but i've seen worse:

you're handicapped

User was banned for this post

Plus patton, you are one to call czech out on flaming, yet you do it quite alot :P
dude u just flamed rally stop trying to provoke patton
Look at what rally posted. My post is like a kitten compared to him

Wow I messed up my reply's format, gg me

hey insert i know you have beef with patton so make a drama if he bothers you that much

this thread is about c-zech and his unnecessary typing style and apparent flaming that i'm not seeing in anything besides that "hormonal teenager with no frontal lobe" post

hey insert i know you have beef with patton so make a drama if he bothers you that much

this thread is about c-zech and his unnecessary typing style and apparent flaming that i'm not seeing in anything besides that "hormonal teenager with no frontal lobe" post
Id rather not, im just replying and attempting to post the truth.

Holy stuff, speaks/speaking = types/typing you dumbass

It doesn't matter if his posts are more volatile than yours, you're being hypocritical by calling someone out on flaming and trying to provoke him, yet you flamed in this very thread.

Id rather not, im just replying and attempting to post the truth.

You're flaming Rally and trying to provoke patton. Stop.

Id rather not, im just replying and attempting to post the truth.
that's a beyond stupid excuse for derailing
make a drama about patton if you want to talk about patton, otherwise stop posting here specifically to derail

His posts make me cringe.