Author Topic: C-Zech Chrome Ind: Autistic moron who really likes to use a thesaurus, Flaming.  (Read 30865 times)

im trying to defend chrome.
If McJob is the person leading the offence, then you're probably a really stuffty person to begin with
all i see you doing is attacking mcjob

all i see you doing is attacking mcjob
Try looking at the pages BEFORE that.

I think I summed it up pretty well, but it doesn't seem to have changed anything. He thinks you can use synonyms interchangeably without altering sentence structure, making it very glaringly obvious that he has a poor vocabulary.

It is pretty annoying but you guys are using it to personally attack him. Instead of telling him why you don't particularly like it you idiots decided to make him insecure about his vocabulary, probably making the issue worse down the line.

Due to your actions and the information you have provided, I gather this: You're a hormonal teenager with no frontal-lobe brain development, unable to project advanced consequence to action. 
That's one of the reasons why I deduced that he was simply a hormonal teenager.
if he's so mature and smart then why can't he come up with better insults other than "lol no brain and hormonal"

And to go off of Ike's post:
One article said that our view of writing can be influenced by the way it's read. You can visualize a voice while reading, influencing the mood. This leads to why we say "Sounds pretentious" rather than "Reads are pretentious"

I translated it to Italian, then to Icelandic, Hawaiian, Afrikaans, and then back to English.
Any article that our vision of the author to change the meaning of what was read. You can view who love the readers Hbrown townei Moon. This leads to our word "Sounds pretentious" and "poetry is pretentious" Why
Now THIS makes perfectly clear sense to me! Why can't everyone type like this!

I think I summed it up pretty well, but it doesn't seem to have changed anything. He thinks you can use synonyms interchangeably without altering sentence structure, making it very glaringly obvious that he has a poor vocabulary.

It is pretty annoying but you guys are using it to personally attack him. Instead of telling him why you don't particularly like it you idiots decided to make him insecure about his vocabulary, probably making the issue worse down the line.

People attack children and people who have poor vocabulary all the time on these forums and nobody ends up caring. Even if it is just a little kid who ''typs like thsi''. The forum has had no problem beating on people like this, why start caring now?

The forum has had no problem beating on people like this, why start caring now?

Because somebody made a drama about it?

rb2k found these looking through some of his posted links:

I also really like this post:

I don't want any loveually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, shallow-airheads or anything that steals my time away from my goals.  I've already argued with Dannu and Danny Boy because of this.

I can't believe you're actually going to be this thick after everything I've just tried to drill into your head.

That's on top of everything else in the OP. Why do I bring this all up? Remember when I posted this:

They all think they're better than most other people, and they'd like nothing more than the right situation to prove it. They'll spout unnecessary and irrelevant information to pump smoke up their arse and they'll talk stuff about anybody simply because they don't fulfil some bullstuff moral criteria that these people hold up high.

He can't help but make himself sound much more pert than the flunkee provincials who clearly just live to have valueless fornication with the muliebrous ninnys of society.

might aswell post this

i should note that all of this is public and on his steam profile which i found on his blockland profile awhile ago
incase he gets rid of urls

now you know why i feel so incredibly uncomfortable around this guy

the beef between the Harvest and rally really shouldn't be brought up here

Also rally should stop getting so pissy when he's obviously in the wrong herr
He's not wrong at all. 

this is off-topic but what's with people's pokemon "oc" always being gardevoir
where's the gigalith oc
where's the cocigaretterigus oc