Author Topic: B̶L̶O̶C̶K̶L̶A̶N̶D̶ FORUMS ON HIGH ALERT 4/1/2016 (IT'S ALMOST OVER GUYS))  (Read 71276 times)

* Epicduke .
I don't think I'm ready for this kind of commitment yet

*Snoop Dogg smokes a fat blunt

BABNjahsahv ahj vhjkaslnas

So this is what 4chan feels like.

May as well make the most of it:

>be me
>have possible superiority complex
>have obsession with biomechanical farts
>calls self czechoslovakian commanricharder
>mfw old name that I can't change
>have brief interest in pokemon
>first rp turns into a futuristic lovecraftian horror
>run away
>second rp turns into a slightly better rp, but runs into a tumblr biloveual who keeps stalking me
>run away
>give up on fandom
>was only interested in the design of some of the creatures anyway
>forget about cringey profiles
>have argument with someone i thought was a moron
>has drama about me
>cringey profiles get made fun of
>get private PM from person I was arguing with saying that I am improving
>send an equally nice PM to said person
>have a really nice discussion where we realized it was all just a big misunderstanding
>is now friends with said person
>get removed from said person's list of hatred
>people are proud of me and stop calling me pretentious
>mfw i love this community

I thought I was in /r/circlejerk for a second

Edit 1: spelling xD

Edit 2: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Edit 3: rip my inbox xDD

Edit 4: seriously guys, stop spamming my inbox
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 09:45:51 AM by Niff »

I just woke up and it's still not over...

Can I rest in peace now?

I just woke up and it's still not over...

Can I rest in peace now?
dont get Ahead of yourself.

dont get Ahead of yourself.
Im feeling ya'



hey guys i've made my new alt and finally decided i love mpreg too much to contain it