Author Topic: April Fools 2016 death toll  (Read 4835 times)

It's a wonder some of the things some people got away with this April, especially since someone got banned just for saying "king of page 200".
The reason someone got banned for that is because it was posted on a legitimate thread that existed long before yesterday and is still an ongoing thing.

Where people got away with dumber things because they were in newer threads made yesterday. In which, all of them were going to be archived anyway.

Idk why people are getting banned for it now even though no one was banned for it before.

Because it has become a nuisance recently. It's been spam since the beginning of time. It's even worse today.

Badspot's April Fools just accelerated the natural selection. Most normal people didn't think much of yesterday, except as maybe a slight inconvenience.

uhh no, he definitely posted like a handicap.
thanks, so did 100 other people, go lash out at them too
chad was talking about like, posting research and stuff

what about the Lebron topic with the enormous picture of Lebron James?
nobody got banned then?

It's a wonder some of the things some people got away with this April, especially since someone got banned just for saying "king of page 200".

Now you're harping on Badspot for banning you for the king of x chain but not banning people who were having fun during April Fools?

He quadruple posted for it too, in a legit non april fools thread.

that is pretty clever

what better way to expose their true personalities than by making them anonymous
Give a man a mask, and he'll show his true face.

Give a man a mask, and he'll show his true face.

april fools 2016 is pretty much infallible proof of the greater internet forgetwad theory:

it's the picture of the pig with a turd sliding down it's balls. a guy named licorice lad posted it a while back under the topic title "slide"
this picture is still in the thread, its just on the next page from the original post in a quote

what about the Lebron topic with the enormous picture of Lebron James?
nobody got banned then?
it was lebrons birthday don't be rude

april fools 2016 is pretty much infallible proof of the greater internet forgetwad theory:
I highly doubt those people are "normal". "Insecure", "damaged", and "dysfunctional" seem like much better adjectives.

Now you're harping on Badspot for banning you for the king of x chain but not banning people who were having fun during April Fools?
That post wasn't talking about that.
And i don't see how it's "harping" if it's literally just one post about it (two including that post, which wasn't about it)
And i wasn't complaining about Badspot in either of them.
He quadruple posted for it too, in a legit non april fools thread.
I've seen people quadruple post before and they weren't banned.