Author Topic: Moltenkitten showing his true colors  (Read 17684 times)

Leave us alone and we will leave you alone

That means removing your harvested list (you can still keep us banned) and leaving Harvest in the Harvest thread

The only reason he keeps trolling the Harvest clan page so we give into pressure and take down our list.

He claims our list is forcing him to keep coming into our thread because it involves him.

He then says the list is personally bothering him so that's why he is attacking the thread. He got on the list in the first place for bothering us. If he never posted in the thread he never would have been on the list.

He doesn't see the irony with his own statement.

moltenkitten is like blockchip's little brother who likes mlp

"Run the clan the way I want you to run the clan or I'm going to endlessly spam you"

le moral high ground, bro

wow jesus molten and blockchip the two biggest losers team up

I don't care for the harvest, but I wouldn't do something like this.

is he seriously still this bum-blistered over names on a list, jesus christ

he's been at it since what, november? that's at least 5 months of whining and moaning about being on the harvested list.

just pack it up and leave, molten. you won't be unharvested anytime soon, and from the looks of it you aren't even interested in the harvest's servers, so why are you this bent out of shape over being banned from them

Forgot to add this quote.

Well my name is in the topic OP so I am connected to this topic, it only stands to reason that I post in it as well.

He has his right to post in our page but his reason for posting is childish.

holy stuff, seriously?

the world doesn't revolve around you, molten

he left you alone for a while then you blundered into the qi page spewing "backdoors!!!!" and started stuff again

I'm supporting this but don't think you're off the hook tony. You've been purposely and continuously trolling them trying to incite hatred out of them. So yeah, if molten wants to take the "moral high ground" so to speak he's gonna have to stop, but you're just as much if not even more of a richard.

he left you alone for a while then you blundered into the qi page spewing "backdoors!!!!" and started stuff again
Can you blame him for stirring stuff though?
There's not been a Tony/Harvest related Drama on the first page for a week!

he left you alone for a while then you blundered into the qi page spewing "backdoors!!!!" and started stuff again

Sure he leaves us alone, after he tag teams himself out with one of his QI buddies that will continue the fight in his place.

wow jesus molten and blockchip the two biggest losers team up
And here I thought that was me. I guess that makes me feel somewhat better..... Lol. Seriously though, I've lurked these forums before making an account. And I have learned a bit (key word is "bit") about some of the forumers. And it seems like you two are locked in battle. Destined to be doomed to bickering.

Like Ipquarx said. You may be in the right this time. But the damage has been done.

/support, Ive never liked moltenkitten.

huge /support this guys so annoying