Author Topic: Feminists Celebrate loveually Transmitted Diseases!  (Read 5392 times)

lol SJW's with their "wage gap" and "equal rights". Women in America are put on the pedestal they demand combat roles in our military yet reserve the right to opt out of the draft. They refuse to recognize the fact that men are loveually assaulted and raped as well and not to mention the fact that it's a women's word against a mans word in this society. Also, the wage gap argument has been debunked numerous times. It's an insult to women in the world who are actually lacking fundamental rights such as education, the right to drive, and not getting married off young by their parents...

deport all radicals to the Middle East

More men get raped in prison than the total of rapes against women.

I'm still a human being and I still deserve respect

They deserve absolutely no respect because they have done personally nothing to deserve it. This is what I meant, that they're not heroes for the hard majority putting themselves in this situation with their poor life choices***

***by POOR LIFE CHOICES I mean not practicing safe love, not being loveually active

More men get raped in prison than the total of rapes against women.
love thirsty = rapes = prison = no girls in prison = rapes men
does crime = prison = no women = love thirsty = rapes men
they gay af and want some love

isn't there a rumor or something about STDs originating from some guy who forgeted a monkey
You're thinking of HIV, and how it shows a connection to a strain of a similar immunodeficiency virus found in simian populations within Africa, SIV. It's presumed that the virus jumped species in the early 1900s.

It's not ignorant to claim or suggest the virus came from monkeys/apes.
It's understandably ignorant to say it was spread via loveual intercourse with simians, as most people know of HIV as an STD.
What's more likely is it spread via bushmeat, that is, wild creatures hunted for food. HIV and SIV can spread via blood, and so ingestion of improperly prepared infected meat could result in humans contracting SIV, which overtime may adapt to become HIV.
It's believed this transition has occured on at least 3 seperate occassions.

I don't really care what take a few individuals may have on the movement, but it's important that people don't feel shamed for having STD's.
That shame does scare people, men and women, from visiting doctors and getting treatment.

That in turn only increases the risk of people spreading the diseases further, and puts people in harm.
There's a reason that most loveual health clinics are anonymous. It's to encourage people to get tested without feeling afraid of being judged, or people knowing.