Author Topic: Adminstrator's SCP, Worst server ever?  (Read 2403 times)

Just started my day by opening Blockland.
Then I saw Administrator's SCP online, When I joined I told Luke to not quit etc, Because people was rude to him in the poll he created.

Suddenly when I started playing, I ended up in a line, with a closed base, with 2 guards shouting at me while I don't know what they are even saying.

I didn't know what SCP is in the start, and there was no /help, everytime I asked to explain it, no one answered including that guy naming himself, "highest ranking admin"

Tried to just go to the flow, then saw people joining random teams, I said I will give it a try, typed in /jointeam [all the teams that people were joining]
Because obviously D-class is nothing, and I do think it stands for Dirt-Class as they treat us as dirt while we don't have any weapons or anything.

As everytime I try to enter a team, an error comes, just got tired of trying, then demanded an answer for my old question, What is SCP? again no one answered, so I just went saying this server is Badly organized. ended up being told to leave the server by most slaves of the administrator, Left without knowing what the server is about or anything.

Admin. and Render are the same guy...

And things keep getting worse, they have smoke grenades, shields, op weapons, we only have fists, but they keep killing us.

Can someone do an ID check to see if this is really the same host as Mr. Render? He told me he was going to solve these problems!

I don't think this server will ever be better, the problem is with the host/staff itself, they don't know how to organize a server

This is the same guy, Render.

I was there, the build completely the same as Render, he changed his username for people to forget him. The server was a complete disaster, out of control fighting, gun shootouts and completely no RP.

What a disappointment.

I was there, the build completely the same as Render, he changed his username for people to forget him

What a disappointment.

The only problem is, its currently one of the most popular server, I don't understand for what

The only problem is, its currently one of the most popular server, I don't understand for what
Because it was the worst best SCP server we are ever going to get.

lol some guy got killed by SCP 049 and he said the server was dumb.
But I noticed this was SCP Masters server because there was luke!!
Luke just rp'ed though, I wanted to see a reaction of like "i no u ur from da forums!! i got bann3d and u r cyburbullying peple get bonned!!1"

his account still exists, but already being pointed out no posts were alive.

i mean d class not having weapons makes sense in context but its still a bad server

Good lord, this again? I'd thought this was all over.