
so hey how do u like school?

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Author Topic: night discussion topic i guess [night 1305]  (Read 2286518 times)

muh grampappy died overnight
i wish i spent 1 last day with him

muh grampappy died overnight
i wish i spent 1 last day with him
:'( my condolences

i also may add that i was originally going to do a blogland on it
but i thought "forget no everyones gonna think its a wall of text"
so instead i replied it

helo good night :ↄ

i started playing ssb4 on the wii u again
i can't wait til smash gets on the switch tho
Same, except I've been playing Super Mario 3D World (trying to 100% my file) and Splatoon (i was running into connection issues though).

muh grampappy died overnight
i wish i spent 1 last day with him
My condolences.

muh grampappy died overnight
i wish i spent 1 last day with him
I lost mine recently as well. Bout a month ago. Still think about him everyday. Stay strong man.

Hey, what ever happened to Ravencroft?

I lost mine recently as well. Bout a month ago. Still think about him everyday. Stay strong man.

Hey, what ever happened to Ravencroft?

He was made BOS

Have you guys heard of the film, Merlin, and the TV series, The Lost World?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2017, 08:17:52 PM by MoleManFromMiddleMars »

Who here is capable of hearing high pitched tones that some other people can't? Because i can and it absolutely sucks, whether it's in a TV show/movie, a video game, or even a Youtube video, it's like tinnitus or a dentist drill but it actually hurts your soul, your brain, and your ears and you feel like dying

CRT televisions give me such a headache, the moment one is turned on my head explodes. I was used to it as a child but we've since been spoiled by silent electronics.

these are pretty audible to the normal person but when my computers off I can hear all the chargers in my room and the bulb above my bed make a high pitched whine. it can actually distract me from sleeping

Who here is capable of hearing high pitched tones that some other people can't? Because i can and it absolutely sucks, whether it's in a TV show/movie, a video game, or even a Youtube video, it's like tinnitus or a dentist drill but it actually hurts your soul, your brain, and your ears and you feel like dying
yea this happens to me when all my stuff is off

Who here is capable of hearing high pitched tones that some other people can't? Because i can and it absolutely sucks, whether it's in a TV show/movie, a video game, or even a Youtube video, it's like tinnitus or a dentist drill but it actually hurts your soul, your brain, and your ears and you feel like dying

yeah I can always tell when a TV is on

i hear pitches like that when they're first toggled but after a solid 5-10 seconds i just tune the frequency range out

yea this happens to me when all my stuff is off
How do they make noise when they're off?

these are pretty audible to the normal person but when my computers off I can hear all the chargers in my room and the bulb above my bed make a high pitched whine. it can actually distract me from sleeping
What kind of chargers do you have that make noise? Most that i know of are silent

don't think i can hear that high, either that or i just don't have many things that make rly high pitch tones

What kind of chargers do you have that make noise? Most that i know of are silent
cheap ones