Author Topic: some of my grades right now are bullstuff  (Read 5683 times)

not attend school ->
how, after so many years of having a standard education system in place and much time for tweaking, have we failed at doing the one thing that it has attempted to do: educate?
cannot get a decent job
why does this have to be? but why, i ask.
is paper truly more necessary than skills? this not a debate; it is an honest question.
bring this harsh reality upon me.

not trying to disregard your posts but you're writing kind of poetically and it's really funny to read
how, after so many years of having a standard education system in place and much time for tweaking, have we failed at doing the one thing that it has attempted to do: educate?
i disagree with saying that it doesn't educate and i think it's generally the student's fault for not allowing themselves to learn. i think that the majority of issues with student issues is that they have contempt for their teachers and class and refuse to get anything from school
why does this have to be? but why, i ask.
is paper truly more necessary than skills? this not a debate; it is an honest question.
bring this harsh reality upon me.
i wouldn't hire somebody who's not taken the initiative to work hard or even finish school. it shows some integrity, if you just give up and quit school, what redeeming qualities can you show to an employer that somebody who has graduated or gone further with school has?

When all your graded are D's or lower than its a problem with you not the school

I used to mess around in highschool but still passed with As and Bs then I realized I cant pull that stuff in college and I boosted my GPA from a 3.4 to a 3.7 in a semester. You have to learn how to manage your time and stay on top of things. If you have extra time to get ahead on things then do that

this brings me on to another thing
homework is a bullstuff concept that shouldn't exist in the first place.
doing schoolwork out of school during time that you should be taking to relax from being in school for ~8 hours?
homework doesn't even reinforce stuff like it's supposed to. it's just busywork that guarantees you a grade.
grades matter more than learning in the modern education system

a physical science class that i recently failed had literally no classwork, a test every friday, and around 10 pages of homework to do every week
This is the reason why I hate Homework. Why do more work after 7 or 8 hours of school work?

I only think HW is fine when you don't complete the certain assignment in class. When it's handed out for the sake of more work then it's just bullstuff.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 04:23:43 PM by cooolguy32 »

does having a hs diploma even a thing anymore
yeah i guess it is, but it doesn't make you special tbh, everyone gets it practically
grades are gay because honestly no one tries because they don't want to.
its not like they're going to go into a career of doing really hard math if they don't like math.
some kids like using other skills than being a smarty pants
im really bad at wording this actually.
also btw, i heard you could just drop out and be able to get the equivalent of a HS diploma.
it doesn't sound like its that bad to drop out if you could work towards that.

does having a hs diploma even a thing anymore
yeah i guess it is, but it doesn't make you special tbh, everyone gets it practically
knowledge doesn't become less valuable just because more people have it
it's also a prerequisite for the majority of good jobs afaik

does having a hs diploma even a thing anymore
yeah i guess it is, but it doesn't make you special tbh, everyone gets it practically
knowledge doesn't become less valuable just because more people have it
it's also a prerequisite for the majority of good jobs afaik

Honestly, people could just be fine with B's
i dont see the problem with that. Yeah they could try harder but, that takes effort.
also i literally thought i loving failed this year like, i didn't even try that hard this year. seriously.
but apparently i have mostly A's and B's, nothing lower.
and im on the honor role
idk how this happened i swear on my life.
Dude why would you settle for B's if you could easily get A's?

Also Ipquarx I WISH my school gave A+'s. I got an A- in one class last fall and screwed over my 4.0. :(

homework is a bullstuff concept that shouldn't exist in the first place.
doing schoolwork out of school during time that you should be taking to relax from being in school for ~8 hours?
homework doesn't even reinforce stuff like it's supposed to. it's just busywork that guarantees you a grade.
grades matter more than learning in the modern education system
Homework is sometimes necessary. Being a good writer requires regular practice, and there's not enough hours in the school day to allow students adequate time to write large papers. Likewise, to learn advanced mathematics you have to practice outside of school.

I agree that lots of homework assignments are busywork, though.

>3-6 pages of math hw every night
I have one last math class next year and I already want to tie a noose
"highest test scores in the state" my ass
everybody and their mothers know the district curves that stuff to make it look good
forget my school
forget me

I only think HW is fine when you don't complete the certain assignment in class. When it's handed out for the sake of more work then it's just bullstuff.

Thank god my school currently has that homework rule where if you don't finish it in class, then it's homework. My old school in Tulsa used to hand out 5+ pages a day

knowledge doesn't become less valuable just because more people have it
it's also a prerequisite for the majority of good jobs afaik
Well i basically said that because my teacher said it isn't as valuable as it used to be anymore, the HS diploma that is
knowledge is important
also thanks for telling me the same thing twice
Dude why would you settle for B's if you could easily get A's?
what if the best they can do is B's? maybe they can settle at not being the absolute best and don't really care about school as much as some other people do.

For me the best I can do is C's and B's due to the classes being so mind-numbingly boring. When I have a class with a fun teacher that actually talks to the class occasionally, brings your mood up and etc it makes me get easy A's in the class

When it's boring I can't stay focused barely at all, when it's more involved and fun, then I stay focused a lot easier and I make better grades
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 07:45:26 PM by Insert Name Here² »

not trying to disregard your posts but you're writing kind of poetically and it's really funny to readi disagree with saying that it doesn't educate and i think it's generally the student's fault for not allowing themselves to learn. i think that the majority of issues with student issues is that they have contempt for their teachers and class and refuse to get anything from schooli wouldn't hire somebody who's not taken the initiative to work hard or even finish school. it shows some integrity, if you just give up and quit school, what redeeming qualities can you show to an employer that somebody who has graduated or gone further with school has?


I go to a school with great teachers, and they're incredibly outgoing and willing to help students if they advocate for themselves. Most students, however, do not. They refuse to do their work, sit on their phone, and then when they see the grade on the report card, they make excuses.
"X is such a bitch ugh" or "forget Mr. Y, his work is way too hard."

Some teachers are legitimately bad but they're relatively uncommon. The student will always bear the burden of their failure, and whether or not the student makes excuses or mans the forget up and decides to do better next time is a great litmus test to highlight the students weakest of constitution and lacking accountability and desire to improve.