Author Topic: some of my grades right now are bullstuff  (Read 5686 times)

Being a decent student is just a matter of doing the work.

I failed my Comp 1 class in college cause I didnt do the work

homework shouldn't take more than an hour or two every night.
this brings me on to another thing
homework is a bullstuff concept that shouldn't exist in the first place.
doing schoolwork out of school during time that you should be taking to relax from being in school for ~8 hours?
homework doesn't even reinforce stuff like it's supposed to. it's just busywork that guarantees you a grade.
grades matter more than learning in the modern education system

a physical science class that i recently failed had literally no classwork, a test every friday, and around 10 pages of homework to do every week
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 05:06:49 AM by Daswiruch »

I'm doing fine right now, except for math. Math loving sucks and I hate it, I've had at least a C+ or a B- in it the whole year. I might have a C- or D+ in it this marking period though.

Why bother with grades. I found the whole system to be pretty bullstuff so I just didn't do anything but hang with friends and stuff for 2 years in hs then just got my ged.

you don't think any other person in the world feels these things? they do. but they also have this thing called a grip on reality. sucks you can't buy one of those at the store.
yea it really does suck doesn't it

stop making bad excuses and maybe it'll get you somewhere
you're not wrong

you don't think any other person in the world feels these things? they do. but they also have this thing called a grip on reality. sucks you can't buy one of those at the store.
This is so true :I
It may sound harsh but the real world will not be very sensitive to your problems.
If you want help with study and/or self-discipline please pm me. I might be able to help you.

One of the important lessons I learned the hard way is that there is no shortcut, no trick to school. Every test you cheat, every assignment you squirm your way out of will come back to bite you. Accept the one fact that life is hard and then set out to be the best you can be.

ever heard the thing: all work and no play makes jack a dull boy?
life isn't about being forced into learning abstract mathematical concepts and seven different ways to create a hydrogen bomb
if you're thinking that this isn't forced upon us because we can just leave at any time or we can just not go then here's why you're wrong:
we can't just leave school or not go because there are legal repercussions and actual repercussions later in life
there is no choice but to stay and suffer because a bad choice isn't a real choice
meaning: it prevents young people from making a handicapped decision and loving up their life.


I failed my Comp 1 class in college cause I didnt do the work
I literally did nothing and Comp I and II except for major essays and got a B in both. Didn't even show up to class once except for oral presentations at the end of the semester.

Can't pull that stuff in math and sciences though.

meaning: it prevents young people from making a handicapped decision and loving up their life.
circular logic isn't the solution these kind of problems
if this handicapped system wasn't here in the first place then something greater would've surpassed it
schools need to stick to teaching kids math, english, make everything else extra, and create some mandatory yet helpful courses like how to sustain a job 101 or how about intro to self preservation

i ask you: how does it prevent young people from making a handicapped decision and loving up their life?
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 11:17:28 AM by Daswiruch »

You should eat your school so they can't give you bad grades.

i ask you: how does it prevent young people from making a handicapped decision and loving up their life?
not attend school -> cannot get a decent job -> unsuccessful in life

not attend school -> cannot get a decent job -> unsuccessful in life
success is subjective but dropping out of hs is still a loving stupid idea

success is subjective but dropping out of hs is still a loving stupid idea
I guess you reword what I'm saying as 'losing opportunities to be successful'. You really limit your options if you drop out.

I guess you reword what I'm saying as 'losing opportunities to be successful'. You really limit your options if you drop out.
that's clearer and I agree still