Author Topic: UCLA Shooting - Murder-Self Delete, lockdown lifted, classes cancelled  (Read 2885 times)

And people complain about police roaming the halls of schools.

And people complain about police roaming the halls of schools.
Worried they'd be busted with their drugs.

Worried they'd be busted with their drugs.
Even my class in music said police shouldn't roam the halls of schools, it could potentially save lives, it's like complaining about cameras in public, if you have nothing to hide why are you complaining?

Looks like it was just a murder-Self Delete now.

if you have nothing to hide why are you complaining?
because that philosophy sucks ass, that's why they're complaining

jesus forget, yet another shooting

Oh man apparently he has a rifle

Even my class in music said police shouldn't roam the halls of schools, it could potentially save lives, it's like complaining about cameras in public, if you have nothing to hide why are you complaining?

it's not even that. too much surveillance is treating us like we're guilty until proven otherwise, whereas cops in schools is just protection of a vulnerable target.

i t ' s  h a p p e n i n g

this is bad. hopefully noone else gets hurt.

I just realized a school shooting in your city would be a perfect time to commit a crime

I just realized a school shooting in your city would be a perfect time to commit a crime


I just realized a school shooting in your city would be a perfect time to commit a crime

GTA Online heist when

I just realized a school shooting in your city would be a perfect time to commit a crime
life pro tip