Author Topic: [Skybox] TGE Demo - Blue Sky  (Read 7098 times)

A skybox ported from the Torque Game Engine demo
(Includes scrolling clouds!)

(Values for cloud speed and lighting were tweaked a bit from the original)

Sky_TGE_Bluesky - (230.96 KB)


« Last Edit: June 07, 2016, 02:40:04 AM by Masterlegodude »

cloud speed? holy crap do the clouds move?

this reminds me of that ice map that's used to show off skins ingame.
beautiful *cries*

cloud speed? holy crap do the clouds move?
yep this was actually posted because somebody was looking for a normal sky with moving clouds
a gif or video would be nice to see how fast they move though since I can't play blockland atm

a gif or video would be nice to see how fast they move though since I can't play blockland atm

cloud speed? holy crap do the clouds move?
Yes, this is a feature of the Torque Game Engine, but it's not that common in Blockland maps, which is unfortunate because it helps make skyboxes feel more alive, like time is actually passing by

You can look at the file for Sky_Slate_Storm to see how they work
« Last Edit: June 07, 2016, 02:40:23 AM by Masterlegodude »