Author Topic: Why is friend used as an insult?  (Read 3165 times)

We use it as an insult because it makes friends like you offended. The whole point of an insult it to piss off the other person. Plus the word is super satisfying to say. Especially when paired with "monday"

because straights are jealous of how cool it is to be gay 👌👌

because straights are jealous of how cool it is to be gay 👌👌
i didn't know that you dabbled in satire

i don't
I didn't know that you dabbled in the art of autism

I didn't know that you dabbled in the art of autism
oh please, you of all people should know that that's my specialty :^)

Because some people are just friends.

That sounds like something a friend would post.

urban dictionary exists luigi

i didn't know that you dabbled in satire

That's what a gay person would say B^)

I thought it's because it meant cigar and that's insulting for some reason

i don't know you tell me

honestly it'd be better if gay was also considered an insult if it wasn't for all the dumb kids who go "AM NOT GAY AM ACKSHULLY HAPPY"
because using an alternate definition that is not considered the main one is totally reasonable