Author Topic: God has abandoned us (Its really hot) V2  (Read 8765 times)

« Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 07:21:04 PM by Frontrox »

Go into a hot tub
It'll be cooler than that assuming max temp is 104°

110 in phoenix here.

luckily I don't leave the house so this doesn't apply to me

the only solution is to fight the sun

was 80 degrees yesterday, going to be 90 again today. what happened to my rain. I liked the rain. seattle please.

God is dead and the heat killed him

Bye guys, I'll miss you.

Bye guys, I'll miss you.

[img width=500 ][/img]
dinosaur island is sinking

whats the humidity, because 105f could be nothing.

im waiting for minnesota's 105f with 75% humidity. might as well not leave the house.

A hot summer foretells a harsh winter

no i think its more like we abandoned god so he stopped giving a forget