
Do you identify as MGTOW?

Are you kidding me? I identify as an Apache AH-64 helicopter.

Author Topic: MGTOW Thread  (Read 5594 times)


What is this?
MGTOW stands for Men Go Their Own Way. It is what us men do when we see through feminism and the crapheaps that come with it.
We also see that marriage is no longer worth our time, money or effort.

There Aren't really any criteria of calling yourself mgtow apart from seeing the bigger picture and preferablly knowing not to fall into marriage traps.

Here we men discuss our stories of being MGTOW and inform others on the dangers of marriage and radical feminism.

Any questions feel free to ask.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2016, 06:30:57 AM by National Rail »

mgtow cringe dump someone

I mean I realize marriage is a bad deal. I'll probably stick with short term relationships.

I never really understood MGTOW. "Going your own way" and completely avoiding women forever is handicapped and against the fundamental laws of nature/reproduction. Don't get married though, like ever.

I never really understood MGTOW. "Going your own way" and completely avoiding women forever is handicapped and against the fundamental laws of nature/reproduction. Don't get married though, like ever.

True to an extent, it's not necessarily about never making contact with women though. Mainly about just not getting into long term relationships trouble with them

lol if you're so broken that you can't attract a respectable woman.

why is marriage bad
I mean if you jump into it you're gonna get forgeted but

why is marriage bad
I mean if you jump into it you're gonna get forgeted but
They're just trying to sound enlightened by saying marriage is horrible 

That sounds extremely gay.

This is satire


i identify as female and this thread is not ok

i identify as men and this thread is not ok

I Identify as apache attack helicopter and this thread is not ok