i actually had Ephi (Matt Matthews I think was his name) as a friend on Skype back then and managed a few conversations with him, which thinking back was probably kinda groomy.
I thought he was the coolest stuff, until I learned just how much of an starfish he was. So much in fact, that I've just started telling people that he died in a car accident and leave it at that, because for all we know he could have and I wouldn't care.
He truly was a power hungry, piece of stuff opinionated person with little regard for the actual community. He rode on his high horse of developing Return to Blockland, only to eventually give up on one of the greatest mod managers because of god I can't even remember.
Either way, he was an entitled prick who had little positivity, his sole usefulness was managing a mod manager and occasionally deleting spam from the forums, the rest of the time he spent bitching and being a bitch.
yeah, i think this is how my memory served me from that guy, i dunno. weird dude.
(viewing this and my previous post in the "recent posts" is a wild transition, whoops.)