Author Topic: Will Zealot ever get Windows 10?  (Read 7042 times)

Disable windows security sht or smartscreen filter

Bolth of those guys are major starfishs at some point

did you get the drivers straight from Realteks site? And what's your motherboard's manufacturer? Check your manufacturers site for drivers. Dell, Asus, Acer, etc.

Idk why you're asking me zealot I don't know much about computers.

Yeah it's definitely not Windows 10. Downgrading wouldn't do anything, if not make the issue worse.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 03:35:05 PM by Ravencroft· »

Yeah it's definitely not Windows 10. Downgrading wouldn't do anything, if not make the issue worse.
what are you talking about?

Digital Storm is like the best computer manufacturer ever. They sell customized systems so you can get a a standard build and then modify it to upgrade or downgrade it as much as you need to, and they put it all together. They also install loads of drivers and updates before shipping it

It's all pretty overpriced for the parts themselves but you get a lot of additional services and stuff alongside it (along with a binder of computer information and disks for various problems and installs). the cable management is so clean it's genuinely beatiful.

And every time I have a computer problem their support are genuinely amazing. The tech workers they have are brilliant (I think they only have 4 or 5 because I keep getting the same ones). They'll pull up a file with all your pc specs and they can pretty quickly be like "OH YEAH LOOKS LIKE YOUR MOTHERBOARD ISN'T COMPATIBLE WITH WINDOWS 10, LOOKING ONLINE A MAJOR THING PEOPLE ARE SAYING IS THAT IT BREAKS WIFI SUPPORT" and identify the issue. they don't treat you like an idiot unlike microsoft tech support or support for a lot of other companies. also they are hilarious, and really honest. they'll straight up tell you whether or not something is a ripoff (one guy said that if I was planning to order individual parts from them I might as well just buy a new PC, and instead sent me a NewEgg cart with the items I wanted). also they all shared stories about the incompetency of geeksquad which i could personally relate to

Zealot gives DS 10/10

go buy a computer:

(only downside is that it's all a little cringy. I got a receipt that said "THIS COMPUTER SEPERATES YOU FROM THE REST OF HUMANITY!"

I upgraded to Windows 10 the day it came out, bad idea, first off, AMD drivers took multiple attempts to properly install, and then whenever I installed an anti-virus, it kept trying to disable it in favour of Windows Defender. A week later my update manager forgeted itself over, so I couldn't install any updates, and to add onto that, a bunch of my games weren't working and in general the OS was quite unstable, and even when I did get it running it would still loving crash, and maybe after a while some of those issues had been fixed, but when I installed it onto a spare PC at a later date, it still didn't work properly, so I'm just sticking with Windows 8.1 because it actually works, and once classic shell is installed it turns the start menu into what was on Windows 7, which makes it a lot better.

Everyone keeps blaming Windows 10 when it's almost entirely due to hardware/software incompatibility that is the responsibility of those manufacturers to deal with...

You guys need to realise that there are many, many parts to a PC, and unlike a Mac, Microsoft allows enough open-endedness (at least over Apple) that there's no guarantee everything will work with everything. The only way to prevent these kinds of issues from happening would be to lock the entire platform down and put everything through intensive standards testing, which only comes at a disadvantage to end users and developers alike.

Linux is further down the line than Windows in terms of openness (and is historically closer to Apple's OS), but it's not like that platform exists without issues (that said, it has less software than it has issues). If people want to use that, go ahead, but I still think Windows is the strongest platform and a lot of the "problems" from this launch come from years of bad programming and habits which Microsoft is starting to dust its hands of by removing a lot of the backwards compatibility and workarounds for.

Everyone keeps blaming Windows 10 when it's almost entirely due to hardware/software incompatibility that is the responsibility of those manufacturers to deal with...

You guys need to realise that there are many, many parts to a PC, and unlike a Mac, Microsoft allows enough open-endedness (at least over Apple) that there's no guarantee everything will work with everything. The only way to prevent these kinds of issues from happening would be to lock the entire platform down and put everything through intensive standards testing, which only comes at a disadvantage to end users and developers alike.

Linux is further down the line than Windows in terms of openness (and is historically closer to Apple's OS), but it's not like that platform exists without issues (that said, it has less software than it has issues). If people want to use that, go ahead, but I still think Windows is the strongest platform and a lot of the "problems" from this launch come from years of bad programming and habits which Microsoft is starting to dust its hands of by removing a lot of the backwards compatibility and workarounds for.
Thank you for saving me from typing a similar post. I mean... it's not that hard to understand, right? Or am I missing something here?

Everyone keeps blaming Windows 10 when it's almost entirely due to hardware/software incompatibility that is the responsibility of those manufacturers to deal with...
Then it shouldn't install itself.

Then it shouldn't install itself.
Yeah, it's bullstuff that Windows does the auto-install, but I don't personally blame them given that there are still loving idiots in the world using Windows XP in earnest. People just stubbornly refuse, out of laziness, to get with the times even after Microsoft itself has admitted to the product being faulty (XP has far too many security holes and it only takes one for a clever bastard to exploit your system). You people realise Windows 7 was released 7 years ago, right? The entire loving original Halo trilogy was released in less time, and look how much those games advanced on each other.

It was a poor business decision (or a series of them) and I think it's pretty bad that the company pulled that bullstuff, but it's not like Microsoft is the only company to ever force software updates, and let's not forget that some companies are happy to intentionally brick devices.

Of course, people out there are going to throw around accusations of "spyware" or "forced censorship" or whatever the forget, but I'm pretty sure people make those same complaints any big company unveils any new product. At the end of the day, they just sound like luddite psychos.

XP doesn't automatically upgrade. Windows 7 works perfectly fine.
It was more or less to try and get people out of Windows 8, because they probably understand that was a huge mistake. Windows 7 caught in the fire because it was still in it's support period.

Everyone keeps blaming Windows 10 when it's almost entirely due to hardware/software incompatibility that is the responsibility of those manufacturers to deal with...

I am guilty of doing this

on that note windows 10 is fine other than some very minor things like background programs, such as the xbox app which I don't need since I don't use one