Author Topic: Black Lives Matter hi-jacks orlando shooting morning ceremony.  (Read 47270 times)

You look up the statistics, white people commit most the crimes in a predominantly white country.

That is because they make up almost 3/4ths of the population. As a white person you are 25x more likely to be the victim of black violence than a black person is to be a victim of white violence, when adjusted for population size.

The Jews experienced some of the diabolically worst treatment out of any other ethnic group historically, being kicked out of every homeland they lived in, on the brink of starvation for centuries, and then almost completely wiped out by the national socialists. Yet they are now the wealthiest and smartest, and generally considered the most powerful, ethnic group of people globally.

Your culture loving sucks and this garbage excuse is enabling it.
the jewish race have done nothing but war crimes so far. Theres no reason to praise them now

Don't forget the jews were also enslaved by egyptians.


Disgusting. I can't believe anybody would do this, especially on Pride week. Going up on stage and whining about how: "I'm more oppressed than you!!!" is just a complete richard move, regardless of what cultural group is doing it.

These are the supposed faces as of 2013, this does not account for the more oppresive situation black people are systematicaly affected by.

Don't forget the jews were also enslaved by egyptians.

the people who enslaved my brothers, however, were white.

Just because there are radical sects of the BLM movement does not mean that they're not going after a legitimate problem and that there aren't reasonable people working with them.

People like to romanticize the Civil Rights Movement as some kind of extremely peaceful series of marches down city streets, but there was plenty of disruptive protests and violence. When people are concerned enough about a problem in society, they're willing to make headlines and piss people off in the process of fixing it. And then sometimes when we look back in history, we're pretty glad they did it.

That being said, I don't think that this specific instance of disruptive protest was productive.

Jitankcigarette is hijacking this thread about LGBT with his Black Lives Matter bullstuff.

Jitankcigarette is hijacking this thread about LGBT with his Black Lives Matter bullstuff.
this thread is literally about black lives matter, so suddenly if you disagree with someone they're hijacking it...?

What proof do we have that black lives matter?

the jewish race have done nothing but war crimes so far. Theres no reason to praise them now

Despite this dumb statement having no basis founded in reality, it's not relevant to my point.

does not account for the more oppresive situation black people are systematicaly affected by.

Could you be any more ambiguous?

the people who enslaved my brothers, however, were white.

And the people who freed your brothers are also white. And the people who send +$8,000,000,000 in unilateral aide to your brothers in Africa every year are also white.

Pro-tip: The first slave owner to have a permanent slave was black. And he sued the government for the right to have permanent black slaves.

Jitank you do realize that black people were enslaving other black people and then selling them to "the white man."

Slavery is not a white invention.

The Jews experienced some of the diabolically worst treatment out of any other ethnic group historically, being kicked out of every homeland they lived in, on the brink of starvation for centuries, and then almost completely wiped out by the national socialists. Yet they are now the wealthiest and smartest, and generally considered the most powerful, ethnic group of people globally.

Your culture loving sucks and this garbage excuse is enabling it.
Jews were paid homage for their suffering. Not only that, Jews are mostly white. Jew and black people went through completely different struggles so you cant really compare the situations as the same.

the people who enslaved my brothers, however, were white.
What does this have to do with the current issues of injustice? Sidenote: Mainstream media doesn't like to paint Egypt as an African Nation

Instead of Black Lives Matter we should do No Lives Matter.