Author Topic: Black Lives Matter hi-jacks orlando shooting morning ceremony.  (Read 47159 times)

Jitank you do realize that black people were enslaving other black people and then selling them to "the white man."

Slavery is not a white invention.
white people are just as guilty for utilizing it.

Not only that, Jews are mostly white.
Next you'll tell me that Irish, German, and Slavic people are all the same lol.

loving christ, BLM is literally one of the worst things right now, period. I tell people at school and work how BLM are absolute cunts, and they're always like "but whaddya mean they're for equality man?", forget no they're not, they hijacked a Bernie Sander's rally when he was against segregation and literally fought for it, and they've hijacked so many other rallies because "they're oppressed"

like look at this stuff, Milo here's known to be against BLM, for very good reason, and look what they do.
(what's funny is he baited them to protest and they did lol)

seriously forget this cunt, and forget BLM.

white people are just as guilty for utilizing it.

Well you black people are more than welcome to go back to Africa then.

You people are complaining we enslaved your ancestors 200 years ago but I don't see any of you going back to your loving homeland. I'm starting to suspect you black people like it here in america and you're just looking for stuff to complain about and get free kickbacks.

Jitank you do realize that black people were enslaving other black people and then selling them to "the white man."

Slavery is not a white invention.
Oh so that makes it ok huh?

Saying "but he did it too" is one of the most childish arguments, rally

Oh so that makes it ok huh?

No but that was 200 years ago and we in America don't do slavery anymore.

If the wound is closed then it's healing. Stop picking at it and bringing up slavery and other bullstuff that isn't relevant with today's time.

Or, you can go back to Africa if you don't want to get "oppressed" by white males. Have fun being oppressed by your own black African government, that should be fun.

Well you black people are more than welcome to go back to Africa then.

You people are complaining we enslaved your ancestors 200 years ago but I don't see any of you going back to your loving homeland. I'm starting to suspect you black people like it here in america and you're just looking for stuff to complain about and get free kickbacks.
are you handicapped? The solution to discrimination is to stop it, not for us to leave

And slavery was as recent as 100 years ago, not two

Jews were paid homage for their suffering. Not only that, Jews are mostly white. Jew and black people went through completely different struggles so you cant really compare the situations as the same.
They're not the same, but they're definitely comparable. In the modern day, Jews have much better economic standing around the world, so you could say that they're not as oppressed now, but historically there's plenty of parallels to be drawn.

What's the end goal of this argument anyway? Is only one racial group allowed to face adversity?

forget no they're not, they hijacked a Bernie Sander's rally when he was against segregation and literally fought for it, and they've hijacked so many other rallies because "they're oppressed"
Hijacking public events is a valid way to get exposure for your movement. There's still plenty of people alive today that were complaining only half a century ago about all the 'uppity black people' blocking the streets and public buildings.

Jews were paid homage for their suffering. Not only that, Jews are mostly white. Jew and black people went through completely different struggles so you cant really compare the situations as the same.

You're right. The Jews barely survived genocide multiple times after being exiled from every place they ever lived. Black people got enslaved in America for a small period of time and then refused to work for multiple generations.

Black people experience the same issues across the board and across the world. In the UK, in Sweden, all over Europe, I mean for forgets sake just look at any country in Africa, American slavery has nothing to do with black inferiority.

I don't see you people complaining that light skinned Africans are oppressed by Darker skinned Africans because their skin isn't black enough.

There is racism for every color and in this case, shade.

I guess Black Lives Matter is a first world country thing.

Well you black people are more than welcome to go back to Africa then.

You people are complaining we enslaved your ancestors 200 years ago but I don't see any of you going back to your loving homeland. I'm starting to suspect you black people like it here in america and you're just looking for stuff to complain about and get free kickbacks.
Youre is you see black and white as an entire different species hen really we are equal. I could go to Africa ( for the first time ever ) and possibly be jailed for being homoloveual, or even be looked at differently for being an athiest, but that can happen alot of other places also. Show some respect.

It's a high chance a white person will die from another white person. Apart from these facts, what makes discrimination acceptable?

USA Population   (2013):  316.5 million
Whites                (2013):  241.9 million (76% of pop)
Blacks:                (2013):  40.3 million   (17% of pop)

White Murder Victims:  3,005 (409 killed by blacks)   <== 13.6% of whites murders perpetrated by blacks
Black Murder Victims:   2,491 (2,245 killed by blacks) <== 90.1% of blacks murders perpetrated by blacks

Only 7.6% of black murders are perpetrated by whites.
But 13.6% of white murders are perpetrated by blacks. That means blacks are killing whites at almost double the rate whites are killing them.

So given 5,723 total murders, blacks are committing 2,654 of them. That means Blacks (17% of the population) committed 46% of murders in the USA (2013).


Who's upset?

If black people's lives are so much worse now then maybe we should have kept them enslaved

Well you black people are more than welcome to go back to Africa then.

You people are complaining we enslaved your ancestors 200 years ago but I don't see any of you going back to your loving homeland. I'm starting to suspect you black people like it here in america and you're just looking for stuff to complain about and get free kickbacks.
oh boy looks like someone forgot to take his medicine
i love when the ignorant tribal comes out of people lmao

ot: bitch in the op is a cunt, but dont hate everyone in the blm movement just because of people like her. thats like hating all the gays because of stupid gays doing stupid stuff. it happens. blm encompasses violence against blacks, even black-on-black crime, so sit down on bringing that up. see: put down the guns chicago
I don't see you people complaining that light skinned Africans are oppressed by Darker skinned Africans because their skin isn't black enough.

There is racism for every color and in this case, shade.
yes actually, people do. this isnt that serious of an issue because its not as big, but it happens and people think its stupid. get outside a lil bit more bub
If black people's lives are so much worse now then maybe we should have kept them enslaved
no one thinks black peoples lives are worse now, but good comment