

Yes, terminated
Yes, fired
Yes, laid off
Yes, quit

Author Topic: Have you ever been terminated/fired/laid-off, or quit a job?  (Read 4680 times)

If so, let's hear some stories.

Well I kinda quit my internship but that just because of school starting again, so that doesn't really count...

ive quit many jobs. 2 week notices are for tools.

when i was younger i worked at a golf course that laid us off for 4 months of winter.
but thats not the same as a normal lay off.

2 week notices are for tools..
youre literally the worst type of person

Don't you make enough money mining bitcoin???? Oh wait we debunked that myth 

Yes, and I wrote my story here https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=276757.0
In this story I didn't get fired, but after this it didn't take long for me to quit.

no im a freeloader who doesn't have a job

During my time in high school I had 3 jobs. Two were only Christmas contracts and they ended in around mid January. The last one was a permanent part time job but I quit because the management were a bunch of cunts. I ran into quite a few of the people I worked with in the following weeks and many of them had also left due to not being able to deal with the management.

Yeah I had to leave my job due to illness

yea, t-100 came over to my house a year back

ive quit many jobs. 2 week notices are for tools.
why burn those bridges? why screw those companies over?

I'm in the process of switching jobs and of course I'm going to prioritize the newer company, but if I know I'm going to start working at the new place in 2 weeks, why not just say "hey, I've got a new job and I start working in 2 weeks, thanks for the opportunity you gave me."

For the purposes of this thread, how is being terminated different from being fired, other than sounding cooler?


termination is an umbrella term for both leaving a job and being let off by your employer

For the purposes of this thread, how is being terminated different from being fired, other than sounding cooler?

Terminated could also be applied in cases of downsizing but tbh most people would use the term "let go" in that situation

why burn those bridges? why screw those companies over?
Because he has to appear cool and edgy for the blf. Same reason he bragged about making money mining bitcoin(which is a bunch of horsestuff)