Author Topic: The evil genie  (Read 19225 times)

a nice looking woman claiming to be named "moni" appears

i wish for this wish to not be fulfilled

a paradox occurs and the entire universe is losing its stuff on what the outcome should be.

i wish i could see the future.

granted, but you see yourself on the streets drinking lots of beer

i wish for a tree

granted, but you see yourself on the streets drinking lots of beer

i wish for a tree
You get a yellow-and-pink pony in a tree costume because pony memes.

I wish to be free from this hell. if someone posts the log out button I don't know whether I'll be really happy or really sad

but you can never truly leave

i wish i wasn't so bored

you are forced to endure a 23 1/2 hour period of nonstop entertainment everyday

I wish I could be a human man.

but you still must kill all humans, therefore you kill yourself

i wish i had a s'more

It's burnt.

I wish for a nickel

you get a pile of nickel

i wish for another wish

you can now only wish of a way to die

i wish i could go back in time and kill Riddler

Riddler gets replaced by Dave Hasslehoff and he does the Riddler.

I wish to high five a tree

The tree high fives you back so hard that you die.

I wish Half-Life 3 would release.

Half life 3 will come out in 2017

I wish for dollar

you get one yen

i wish for the ability to memorize anything instantly and in perfect detail

you memorize the word anything

I wish for unlimited wishes