Author Topic: Man shot by cops for no reason  (Read 7000 times)

Also did I mention he was black! That makes this story 100x better! He was also taking care of a person with autism! Holy stuff what can go wrong next!!!

oh no!

He wasn't shot to death? That's new.

Remember kids, toy trucks can get your caretaker shot.

Lol, the guy hand his hands in the air, was lying down, trying to calm his autistic patient down, but still gets shot. What did he even do wrong? At least this was well handled compared to other situations, the cops didn't shoot him in the stomach or anywhere vital but instead chose his legs, and actually radioed for an ambulance almost immediately.

at least they didn't kill him
it's now become to the point where
if you kill a black person and you think they have a weapon
your an starfish and a disgrace and get mauled by SJWs and BLM supporters on twitter.
if you shoot a black person and you think they have a weapon
your an starfish and a disgrace and get mauled by SJWs and BLM supporters on twitter
killing somebody is bad but shooting them in the leg/hip area for reasonable suspicion should be protocol
I would rather have to go to physical therapy then get my life taken away imho

are all cops trigger happy or something
do they have to shoot somebody every once in a while or they become the columbine shooters
what the forget
I feel bad for the normal people on the police force
killing somebody is bad but shooting them in the leg/hip area for reasonable suspicion should be protocol
he didn't do anything dude
the worst they should've done was taze him

You just summoned Jitank, the token black guy with the stereotypical name and prejudice homoloveual slur (JitankIscigarette)

killing somebody is bad but shooting them in the leg/hip area for reasonable suspicion should be protocol
I would rather have to go to physical therapy then get my life taken away imho
If your gun is pulled, whether you're police or civilian, things should have escalated to the point where you're ready to shoot to kill. Disabling shots aren't a real thing and legs wounds can easily be fatal.

I don't know if I've read the full story yet but my impression is that this cop couldn't handle a tense situation and got jumpy. And I saw someone reported the child had a gun which is why the officer approached the situation ready to shoot in the first place wtf?

I don't see why the media keeps targeting blacks being gunned down than like Latinos or whites or Indians ect

Why is there no unedited footage of this online yet? What happened in that gap?

at least they didn't kill him
it's now become to the point where
if you kill a black person and you think they have a weapon
your an starfish and a disgrace and get mauled by SJWs and BLM supporters on twitter.
if you shoot a black person and you think they have a weapon
your an starfish and a disgrace and get mauled by SJWs and BLM supporters on twitter
killing somebody is bad but shooting them in the leg/hip area for reasonable suspicion should be protocol
I would rather have to go to physical therapy then get my life taken away imho

they interviewed the cop, when asked the reason for shooting, he said: "i don't know"

this isn't a matter of just shooting someone out of suspicion, it's literally just shooting someone for no reason

Why is there no unedited footage of this online yet? What happened in that gap?
are you calling OP's source.....

Jitank hasn't been in here yet, I think that's a new record for him!

This is just how the police are trained. It's not a race issue as much as a police issue.