Author Topic: (quote sounds) - Memorable Blockland Associated Text  (Read 114859 times)

anyone have that bus game cover edit

did you take a picture of your monitor?
why would u do that

did you take a picture of your monitor?

no but i run reshade and that makes the chat really forgeted up

no but i run reshade and that makes the chat really forgeted up
Oh, that makes sense. I do sometimes too. Wish there was a way to exclude chat >:(

[img ][/img]
im not crying you're crying

Local cray-e finishes paxtrac curvature for the first time after always falling victim to the stuff track (or being last man standing)

Queeba better not walk down the same sidewalk as me otherwise he's gonna catch these hands for calling me gay >:^(((

« Last Edit: August 03, 2017, 11:58:50 PM by PowerDag »