Author Topic: BL community is stubborn  (Read 7043 times)

> joins back Kreon's community RP server
> goes to car and drives to airport
> see's friend, wolfly, says hi, he has a new hangar
> he doesnt reply
> ask him the positiong event for his opening door
> gets called handicap

>flies stunt plane high up above suburbs, sightseeing
>gets shot down by some weirdo and says "Your flying below the allowed air space."
>next make a mistake not knowing music bricks do server wide music
>immediately destroy brick, then i check out events, trying to wire the keyboard to the doors
>kreon comes bans me 15 min "playing server wide music"

i deleted the block m8

im sure posting a drama about him on the wrong board is gonna help your relationship

just to clarify this isn't people being stubborn this is people being richards

which is common in BL sadly

surely you don't NEED to use memetext to tell us what happened

they're called meme arrows ugh normals

they're called meme arrows ugh normals
it's greentext you normie heck

>gets banned on kreons
>calls ALL of bl stubborn