Author Topic: I just broke up with my boyfriend[so claimed thread of the year by :Gytyyhgffff]  (Read 15404 times)

Trust me, relationships almost never work at that age. You'd probably be best waiting at least another year or two.

yeah your right. but i'm not even sad at all. cause i'm already with someone else.

they'd be going for the ol' 3 inch pinch tho
yeah well mom told me size doesn't matter so

yeah your right. but i'm not even sad at all. cause i'm already with someone else.
you just broke up with him today and youre already with someone else

yeah your right. but i'm not even sad at all. cause i'm already with someone else.
Don't say we didn't warn you

this 12 year old gets more ass than me smh

How exactly did he "cheat" on you? Was he giving this alex kid a dutch rudder or something.

He was cheating on me with a guy named Alex, And Yes
wtf did he hug another dude lmaoo did he give his crayons to that brother

How exactly did he "cheat" on you? Was he giving this alex kid a dutch rudder or something.
He showed Alex his collection of Matchbox cars

yeah well mom told me size doesn't matter so
mines more than just three inches ;)

wtf did he hug another dude lmaoo did he give his crayons to that brother
he's been giving alex his chocolate milk at lunch for 5 months!
loving cheater

mines more than just three inches ;)

he's been giving alex his chocolate milk at lunch for 5 months!
loving cheater

No, He met Alex And Actually loving Kissed him.
EDIT : Alex said he loved Dominic, (Dominic Is my Bf's name) And dominic said it back.
And it's more than three really ;)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 07:57:10 PM by Protoss Dragoon »

so does anyone else find it really uncomfortable that a 12 year old is talking about his richard size publicly on the forums or

so does anyone else find it really uncomfortable that a 12 year old is talking about his richard size publicly on the forums or