Author Topic: Kimon - Obsessively de-railing for illegitimate reasons; mentally unable to stop  (Read 11594 times)

Wait, has the tumblr storm actually reached Blockland? Damn.

i fail to see how this contributes to literally anything

probably because the only thing that you could contribute is stuffing more loving wool in your eyes

i think that this is something that got very very out of hand and then it spiraled out of control

like how a misunderstood comment taken the wrong way creates a massive argument

in which the misunderstanding was why the photo was on slayers phone in the first place which could have easily been de-escalated

Kimon I hereby legally advise you that anything you say can and will be held against you in the Tumblr Court of Baw. I am conducting an investigation into internet dumbassery as I believe it is my duty as a "decent human being".

he implied that he found the picture loveually appealing.

He said "can't resist a bikini pic" referring to a picture containing no bikini and a female and a male (which we can logically assume is him if we are not mentally disabled). You might assume this was sarcasm if you were capable of brown townytical thought, which basically everyone in the thread seemed to be at the time.

listen man if he really had been doing that seriously, i would feel it almost obligatory as a decent human being to say "please dont do that," which i have the power to do on an internet discussion forum.

Maybe you should've just said that in the first place instead of trying to coax a confession out of him with reaction gifs and calling his behavior "terrifying".

because i just did not pick up on his Internet Sarcasm. there's nothing anyone could have done to make me pick up on the sarcasm, unless he made it more obvious or clarified it as a joke.

It's pretty difficult to Ragnarok-proof jokes on the internet against handicaps. I don't see how it's anyone's fault but your own. Nobody is obligated to spoon feed you because you're disabled.

I knew Kimon was gonna get brown townly prolapsed again and no one believed me. I'm 2 for 2 as predictions for this year goes.

Not to mention the point about "being obligated to say please don't do that" is entirely bullstuff, because you had already come to your incorrect conclusion by the time you made this garbage post, or were at-least confident in your claims enough to call him "stalker level terrifying". There was no 'decent human being' confrontation here, you just straight up called the guy names.

And then he made fun of you for having a pokemon for a username. Like it doesn't get anymore obviously sarcastic than that but you continued to drag it on for 6 pages about how you were being "baited into believing he was a stalker" or some BS. You could at-least pretend you're not grasping at straws to save face.

im getting an error every damn time i try to post and im not about to type all that out again but lemme give you guys the skinny:
1. rally you dont have to be such a richard to convey your point
2. i don't understand what could have possibly gone wrong with slayer clarifying it was a joke. none of this would have happened. not even the argument would have happened. he 100% had the power to stop all of this, but he chose not to because he didnt feel like explaining something. its a bit frustrating.
Not to mention the point about "being obligated to say please don't do that" is entirely bullstuff, because you had already come to your incorrect conclusion by the time you made this garbage post, or were at-least confident in your claims enough to call him "stalker level terrifying". There was no 'decent human being' confrontation here, you just straight up called the guy names.

And then he made fun of you for having a pokemon for a username. Like it doesn't get anymore obviously sarcastic than that but you continued to drag it on for 6 pages about how you were being "baited into believing he was a stalker" or some BS. You could at-least pretend you're not grasping at straws to save face.
once again, the intention of that post, even though it was admittedly a confrontational tone, was to serve as a 'warning', like "dude if you're serious that's creepy", and generally if you call something creepy it means you're implying they shouldn't do it. and form my perspective making fun of my pokemon name looked like an uncomfortable attempt to dodge the subject, which worried me even more.

Looking into a women's eyes and have short glimpses at her boobs? I am extremely concerned about your weird, stalking behavior, my friend. You're right here violating privacy of women! As a vegan transgender atheist male feminist white knight and as a pastafarian apache helicopter dog mega multi combo god of hyper death it is my duty to protect the weak from the malignant glances of potential rapers who are all male by default. If I was wrong, then it's still your fault because you baited me into the belief that you were thinking about rape and must likely about to rape her!!11

Looking into a women's eyes and have short glimpses at her boobs? I am extremely concerned about your weird, stalking behavior, my friend. You're right here violating privacy of women! As a vegan transgender atheist male feminist white knight and as a pastafarian apache helicopter dog mega multi combo god of hyper death it is my duty to protect the weak from the malignant glances of potential rapers who are all male by default. If I was wrong, then it's still your fault because you baited me into the belief that you were thinking about rape and must likely about to rape her!!11
i can personally assure you this post is worthless in almost every sense of the word

1. rally you dont have to be such a richard to convey your point

I was trying to take on an investigative tone.

2. i don't understand what could have possibly gone wrong with slayer clarifying it was a joke. none of this would have happened. not even the argument would have happened. he 100% had the power to stop all of this, but he chose not to because he didnt feel like explaining something. its a bit frustrating.

Nothing would've gone wrong, but how the hell is it anyone else's responsibility to pick up after your delusional paranoia in their own thread? He wouldn't of had to 'explain himself' if you hadn't gone after him in the first place.

once again, the intention of that post, even though it was admittedly a confrontational tone, was to serve as a 'warning', like "dude if you're serious that's creepy", and generally if you call something creepy it means you're implying they shouldn't do it. and form my perspective making fun of my pokemon name looked like an uncomfortable attempt to dodge the subject, which worried me even more.

Have you ever considered that your 'perspective' might be skewed by some warped and incorrect paradigm of the world, bolstered by the fact that you were embarrassingly wrong in the end anyway? Nobody wants your 'warnings'. Very few people even want you on this forum, much less your advice on how to behave, because you have a track record of terrible behavior. You should probably keep that in mind next time you want to criticize someone else's behavior.

Reminder: the term "creepy" is an empty term which is only ever used as a vague method of insulting someone.

At the very least you could've respected the fact that he wanted to keep it out of the thread, and PM'd him with your concerns (which I'm relatively certain he would've been inclined to answer), but instead you elected the route of stuffting up his thread trying to "pervert shame" him.

Kimon needs to calm down and just leave.

i can personally assure you this post is worthless in almost every sense of the word

For a narrow-minded person, who lacks any brown townytical skills (especially in catching and understanding a 'joke', like this thread proves in it's entirety), it is, of course, incomprehensible to you and thus interpreted by your confined mind as "nonsense", while in fact it pretty much describes your behavior, just with the exception that I exaggerated my post for humorous reasons, which not many but a few may like (but still most people understand). To be exact: It is your so-called assurance which is worthless, as it does neither disprove the behavior you have shown already nor does it lack the humor, people only understand, that possess the required brown townytical skills (which you do not have) for grasping the very concept of sarcasm.

With the post of yours, you just add another proof of your stupidity and ignorance (even when not admitting it directly and instead (secretly) blaming others), which also means, that you most likely won't admit your mistakes (especially as you're still replying to everyone here and trying to justify your so-called "concerns" by not knowing it was a joke) and thus will never learn from them as you don't even recognize them as such from the first place because you're blaming Slayer, who actually just made a joke, that every normal, average person with the required brown townytical skills, is able to grasp, to understand and especially to laugh about (in case it hits your taste).

But, I never give up hope. I saw many people acting childish here, some of them actually were able to learn, to grow and become more mature, and well, some of them are still the same old immature friends like they were when they first joined this place. So, chances are fifty fifty for you.