Author Topic: Raccoonneer - still a moron  (Read 40175 times)

Well, I guess we just figured out his master revenge plan: to completely sperg out for no good reason.

I'm literally getting second hand embarrassment every time he posts.

you still gotta overthrow flatflyer, but thats impossible
it's too late
his hat ate him

I'm literally getting second hand embarrassment every time he posts.

We all are

hey raccoonneer go get some rest before you sperg too hard and get banned why dontcha?

Am I the only one who just wants Raccoonneer to leave?  I know this has been said many many times, but I just am ready for this drama around he/she to end.  Anyone else want it to end?

Am I the only one who just wants Raccoonneer to leave?  I know this has been said many many times, but I just am ready for this drama around he/she to end.  Anyone else want it to end?

You're far from the only one lmao

yeah im reading it to my baby bro right now
is he your baby fur

Raccooneer, take gr8dayseth's advice. If you haven't noticed it (you haven't) he is actually trying to semi-passively stop you from becoming the worlds worst meme. Listen to him.......

Is Raccoonneer's revenge "Flail around like a handicap"

I think that's his own way of saying he's committing forum Self Delete.

there the award was shattered by psycho raccooneer.

there the award was shattered by psycho raccooneer.
that's legitimately pitiful and i feel sorry for MS Paint for editing that mess