
How is salvation achieved?

Salvation is only for those of faith in a specific church that is the body of Christ.
Salvation is by faith alone, however genuine faith shows good works and/or repentance.
Salvation is by faith alone, and faith does not show and/or require works.
Salvation is by faith and good works.
Salvation is through faith and repentance only.
Salvation is achieved through other means.

Author Topic: Christianity Megathread  (Read 20538 times)

Thanks for calling me an ass completely unprovoked. That is all.
you're a good ass though :^)

I'm saving myself for jesus thanks.

Jesus Christ is the only way to get to Heaven.
wheres jesus im gonna capture that motherforgeter and turn him in for some sweet-ass heaven points

wheres jesus im gonna capture that motherforgeter and turn him in for some sweet-ass heaven points
not if i get him first bitch

I haven't seen a real christian in years

Game Theory: Jesus is Satan

wait wasnt there an old topic that never started an argument

wait wasnt there an old topic that never started an argument
yeah. so far this thread has been more about how it'll start an argument even though nobody is really attacking the christian faith anyway

OT: I used to be christian until my family was... quite literally torn apart by several corrupt churches here in Tucson. in our first one, my pastor tried to get with my mom, so his wife got jealous and told the head pastor dude and caused a fit and he had to kind of quietly expel our family out to keep the peace. unfortunately, my mom was really involved in the youth program there and was pretty much the lifeblood of the program. this was about three years ago or so-- now that church doesn't have a youth program because everyone left it after they realized how much of a bitch the youth pastor's wife was lmao.

i left the christian faith right before this all started happening, so i've been agnostic for about 4 years now. my friends have kind of dragged me down a more spiritual than religious path, but i'm still a skeptic

sometimes i feel like the last christian on the internet but i guess it's because if you talk about religion on the net you're either wrong or a fedora tipper to most people

sometimes i feel like the last christian on the internet
there can be only one

put em up

i don't believe in jesus but

if he were to do a cool backflip while skating and smoked some good pot with me and became president of the USA i'd sure as hell loving believe him

I was raised as a christian but there were a lot of things I didn't really understand and I felt like the answers I got were always just half-hearted excuses. eventually I just decided I wasn't into it. years later I have grown to hate it, and have a (maybe unfair) distate for christians
there is no doubt that there are good christians out there, but it seems only about as common as non-christians being good. and those who are good people are certainly not good just because they are christians. if they were, it'd be a bad sign, I think. on the other hand, I have plenty of reasons (most anecdotal) to assume a christian would be a bad person

now I don't know. I guess I'd say I'm agnostic, but really, I don't care. I have more important things to worry about than what will happen to me when I die
« Last Edit: August 27, 2016, 08:24:52 PM by Foxscotch »

My mom was raised Baptist and my dad agnostic, but they're both Christians now and raised their kids that way. They tend to lean rather Baptist but tend to be interested in pretty much any laid back church.

I don't identify with any denomination. I just say I'm Christian and draw the line there, forming my own conclusions on how things happened, why things happen now, and how things will pan out in the future.