
How is salvation achieved?

Salvation is only for those of faith in a specific church that is the body of Christ.
Salvation is by faith alone, however genuine faith shows good works and/or repentance.
Salvation is by faith alone, and faith does not show and/or require works.
Salvation is by faith and good works.
Salvation is through faith and repentance only.
Salvation is achieved through other means.

Author Topic: Christianity Megathread  (Read 20467 times)

I'm actually mad by the fact when I die people will throw my stuff in the trash or a goodwill store.

If I could I would keep it all like the egyptians.

Why? Your loving dead. You sure as hell wont be able to ever use your stuff again and in 50-100 years after your death no one will even know you ever existed. You're essentially a waste of resources.

It is better to forsake the pleasures of the temporal life in the material universe for Christ's sake to gain an eternity in Heaven, than to enjoy the temporal pleasures in the material world and spend eternity in death and hell.
I don't intend this as a judgement, but rather a truth.
there is no proof whatsoever, besides it being written down, that hell or heaven exists
blindly following beliefs because of promises of greatness or threats of eternal torture after you're dead is loving moronic

there is no proof whatsoever, besides it being written down, that hell or heaven exists
blindly following beliefs because of promises of greatness or threats of eternal torture after you're dead is loving moronic

It's not like the average person has anything better to do. What's your options as an athiest? You work and you buy stuff until you die. That's your life.

honestly I expected the arguments to start sooner than they did but here we are

religion on the internet in 2016? LUL

It's not like the average person has anything better to do. What's your options as an athiest? You work and you buy stuff until you die. That's your life.
i live my life and enjoy my time here instead of waiting to enjoy a possible afterlife

At the time it was necessary.

what's the point of the change? did you (as a christian in like 1 AD or whatever), all that time, believe that what you were doing was wrong, but did it anyway, because some book told you to? or did you think it was right, until another, similar book told you to stop doing that stuff?
and as a christian in 2016 AD, if the old testament no longer applies, why do you still read it to all your little christian kids? why even read it at all? more importantly, why do you still follow some of its rules?

and beyond that, it has some unpleasant implications, right? your god literally wanted his children to do bad things? being all-knowing, he must have known they were bad, and that he would eventually command them to stop. so, what? he wanted you to do bad things to "set Israel apart from other nations", whatever that means? it just sounds like an excuse to retcon the old stuff cus you realized how awful it sounded

another, only marginally related thing, but why do you trust the bible at all? man is fallible, and god didn't literally strike the words onto the pages himself (why not, by the way? he is supposed to be omnipotent), so how could you know whether or not it's really what god wanted?

honestly I expected the arguments to start sooner than they did but here we are

i live my life and enjoy my time here instead of waiting to enjoy a possible afterlife

So you do whatever makes you happy in the peepee.

Religion brings people a different type of joy. It makes them feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves kinda like Fascism

honestly I expected the arguments to start sooner than they did but here we are
i'm glad they're here, i can definitely learn something from this

Leviticus sucks. I'm at-least somewhat sure Leviticus was written as some kind of "instruction manual" for priests specifically, and the majority of Christian sects don't have priests because they know it's BS

I'd take the account of Jesus' teachings as the only thing in the Bible that defines Christianity. As far as I remember most of what he said completely overwrote the old testament and I don't remember any of it being dystopian level garbage like Leviticus.

You're essentially a waste of resources.

So are you and the children you bring into this lifetime are a waste of resources.

The resources we have on this planet are finite and they will run out fast with 9 billion and more on this planet.

How much gas does people eat up in one day? We will run out of it soon.

i live my life and enjoy my time here instead of waiting to enjoy a possible afterlife
>Implying priests can never enjoy life

The choir boys have to give them some type of joy right?

I'm agnostic. There's no way to know if there is or is not a god. The evidence that might have worked hundreds of years ago is not relevant today. When your crops failed and your wife got sick, you blamed god because he, in his power, knew that this was the right thing to do. Maybe he was punishing you. Maybe you did something wrong, maybe you didn't live your life like the books said. Obviously, someone had to have done it, and God is a convenient answer. We understand today why diseases and blights happen, where the mountains come from and how the weather works. What used to seem like a godly activity really isn't anymore.

If there is proof of a god, it isn't here anymore - or at least it isn't obvious. Religious texts could have been written and modified by anyone over the course of history. Many of the stories entailed in the Bible for example are either unprovable or easily refuted. What might have convinced a peasant in medieval europe does not always convince a person that has the worldview that we have today.

If someone wants to be religious, that's perfectly fine. You can believe what you want and so long as it doesn't hurt anybody else that's fine by me. You live your life, and I'll live mine.