Author Topic: Now vurden is being a little bitch.  (Read 3945 times)

are you dumb xD the short drama'd turned into something else. I am getting hated for the short drama?
so more drama was needed to prove something you stuff xD
Btw you "think" you know the meaning. Make sure you are sure about it
Can we get a translator please I can't understand what he's trying to say and he uses xD in pretty much every sentence.

so more drama was needed to prove something you stuff xD
no not really

are you dumb xD the short drama'd turned into something else. I am getting hated for the short drama?
so more drama was needed to prove something you stuff xD

No you're getting ""hated"" because you're a loving moron

No you're getting ""hated"" because you're a loving moron
Like I said, I never showed all the drama, if I posted this first it would of been a diffrent story. Ignore the old drama look at this one... Btw I am sorry for being a little rude..

Ignore the old drama look at this one...

Why? It's a good sign that when this drama backfires you're going to react the same way

LOL, that whole steam chat was a joke, I knew your drama was gunna backfire.

Actually the first link I got when looking up autism sent me here

I feel like this has something to do with rule number 7. for forums

So, vurden now shows me this. His grammar is incorrect because he was joking. We all know that about him, but when he is serious, he will be as formal as needed to be. You took a misunderstanding to a whole new level. You need to chill out and resolve this in messages, and as for you Zamex, you're full on handicapped for posting this stuff. It makes you look immature and brain damaged. I stopped using Facebook because of drama, now I'm sitting here on Facebook 2.0 shoving logic into little kids brains.

get out

And it does break rule 7. Gg


meant to quote the "ARE YOU JUST forgetIGN TRIGGERED OR SOMTHING!" thing