Author Topic: Re: Weapon_Tricorder - Star-Trek inspired thing scanner (Updated september 12th)  (Read 9324 times)

Why is your scale so weird? In tork, 2 tu is 1 meter.
It's based on the Block Trek measurement scale, which is 3.25 studs per meter. Pecon started the majority of this mod several months ago when I asked if someone could make a tricorder mod. This is the improved version of it.

Neat. Will try this soon.

Updated. Added some prefs and a new feature for showing what brick add-on a brick is from.

$pref::server::tricorder::displayBrickPacks - Default true. Whether or not to display what brick pack a brick is from.
$pref::server::tricorder::displayHealthValues - Default true. Whether of not to display health values.
$pref::server::tricorder::displayDangerNotification - Default true. Whether or not to display warnings when scanning hostile entities or dangerous items.

You can grab the update from the button in the OP or from the updater in-game.

could you please fix the named brick scanning function? it comes up as blank on any named brick. Also, the "brick contains events" feature is missing.

A few bugs on the latest update

(1) - The tricorder cannot detect bricks in the BlackDragonV brickpacks

(2) - Scanning bricks from BlackDragonV's brickpacks causes massive console spam (

Try using striPos (case-insensitive) instead of strPos (case-sensitive), could possibly fix that console spam

It looks like the issue is that the brickpack name is just longer than an arbitrary value I pulled from the air for checking the add-on name for the location of it's trailing slash. I'll update to fix that soon.

Updated. The error Planr reported should be fixed.

On top of that, I've re-added the feature which shows the name of the brick if it has one.

Also, the "brick contains events" feature is missing.
There isn't really any room left to add this. The display for bricks is already pushing the limit.

Any plans to integrate the work that Crown did as well?

Any plans to integrate the work that Crown did as well?
I don't have his code.

Personally I think it should be Tool_ and not Weapon_

Personally I think it should be Tool_ and not Weapon_
I couldn't really decide which category it fit in more so I just chose the more popular one.