Author Topic: I'm having a bit of dilemma, do I get a iPhone 7 Plus or 6s Plus?  (Read 3115 times)


If I were you I'd decide on an android phone tbh.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 07:33:10 AM by SimpleFish »

TBH I'd go for a 5 if I were you. Nobody needs a phone that big unless they were ere compensating for something else

TBH I'd go for a 5 if I were you. Nobody needs a phone that big unless they were ere compensating for something else
not even remotely? some people (like myself) just like larger screens

Wait for an updated model with headphone jack and a price-drop.
this or just get a 6s+

TBH I'd go for a 5 if I were you. Nobody needs a phone that big unless they were ere compensating for something else
not even remotely? some people (like myself) just like larger screens
high-resolution HD 1080p robot apple fan hipster sucks on a USB mouse for Mac Desktop

for $800 you could build 2 flamethrowers or buy like 1000 packs of gum or buy a car or take a vacation or buy a really nice assault rifle or build a sweggy gaming pc or buy 80 copies of bl or buy a $60 phone and save the remaining $740.
Just some suggestions.

he's used to using iphones and doesn't want to go through the learning process of learning something like android.
it's probably not about the "learning process" lol
apple app store purchases don't transfer to google's app store

Nobody needs a phone that big unless they were ere compensating for something else
Not true. My work phone is a Galaxy Note 4 and I couldn't bare doing the stuff I use it for on a normal sized phone screen. I've been pushing for management to buy tablets.

Probably get a 6s plus

TBH I'd go for a 5 if I were you. Nobody needs a phone that big unless they were ere compensating for something else
also, this doesn't make sense
phone screen size is a practical concern, and not even something people can brag about, so how could it possibly be "compensating"

first world problems

i have an iphone 4s, but imo if you're dead on getting a phone this week/next week just get the 6s
i seriously don't like the earbud garbage going on with the 7

i had a 4s until my mom forced me to upgrade so now i'm using a stinky ol 6
i've always hated the iphone because every one that I've had has just been defective and not working

i had a 4s until my mom forced me to upgrade so now i'm using a stinky ol 6
i've always hated the iphone because every one that I've had has just been defective and not working
My dad gave me his Iphone 4 and isn't really bad or anything, but you're right about it being defective.

6s+ if you want the featues that the iphone 7 is toting. It doesn't have stereo speaker or waterproofing but unless you plan on taking a swim with your phone or are hosting a rock concert you'll be far more satisfied with not having to constantly inconvenience yourself just to listen to music.