i haven't even seen any hate towards you recently at all outside of your own threads where you talk about how much everyone hates you
just apologize, repent, or something along the lines and try to get a fresh new start instead of lashing out, if you really want this to be fixed.
Well alot of people hate me. Just check out the drama that I mentioned.oh wait you already saw it
video by bill wurtz
if you're going to commit forum Self Delete, please make it fun.
I already tried that and it didn't work
You're probably gonna be someone who everyone hates. No ones will want to be friends with you, date you, or work with you
i mean recently like you keep bringing it back up by the time most people would've forgotten about it
This part gave me a good laugh, which parent/teacher told you that?
You made a half assed apology and continued to do the same stuff, of course it didn't work
I'm done. Alright Cya Stupid.For the past month, I've been getting non stop hate, for a drama that I've posted.Trust me, it's not just the drama you posted, but the drama you have and are currently bringing upon yourself.All of you low life teenage degenerates that think that i'm your punching bag are so stupid. Well if you're gonna stand there and constantly act like a dipstuff...I'm more than a punching bag. Yeah, You're an annoying entitled punching bag, who never stops bitchingI'm not here for you to stuff on. Although, apparently, that is what you think we're here to be for you?You all think its funny to bully a kid on the internet.No, its actually not funny, and its not bullying. Your quite irritating and we want you to exert some self controlI've been coming back with these handicapped come backs that aren't funny. Yes, we know.But hey, I'll do better in life than you.You don't know thatYou're probably gonna be someone who everyone hates. Oh my god, the loving irony.No ones will want to be friends with you, date you, or work with you, because they know that you wont cooperate.I'm not sure if I should be laughing or crying at this point, this is both hillarious, and depressingly so self unaware.I know what this is. Its like in school. The bully's in school pick the kids that they know wont forget with them, and make cringey come backs. Like the comebacks you just said a few lines back, yourself, that you make?I don't know why I've even been replying to the insulting comments that you've made.R-Reply? Pal take a look through your post history, it consists of stuffposting and being an absolute dumbforget.From now on, i'm gonna ignore you guys. KI already smell the troll.If you can smell yourself, then take a shower. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)I already know what you're going to say. Just know, that there's another part to this kid. And hes not playing.Alright, alright. Now this is the part where someone makes an edgy honor student joke. But at this point, forget it, this entire post has pissed me off so much, IDGAF anymore.
I thought of it..