Author Topic: Who is the best?  (Read 4594 times)

Pick the top 5 players you saw playing grapple knife, that you considered the best. I think most of the grapple knife players are good, but my top 5 are Trance, Kyle!, Mikeypop, Prism, and 2C. Thats my list for players that I consider one of the best in grapple knife. I would really like to hear what you think that best players are for grapple knife. :D



not you

All we need is the BLF to say
"Press F to pay respects"
And spell out friend,
Only then can we /thread this.

this one guy named drydess
haven't seen him on there for a while though

limiting it to grapple knife players is kinda silly, not very much people here play it and it's pretty limiting
how bout just in general like the title leads us to believe
in which case that would be me because i'm the gr8est

BL_ID 21993. Why?
Code: [Select]
$DeathMatch_Player21993_BestScore = "2710";
$DeathMatch_Player21993_BestTeamScore = "1840";
$DeathMatch_Player21993_TotalPositiveScore = 11252;
$DeathMatch_Player21993_TotalScore = 11252;
$DeathMatch_Player21993_Wins = 5;
$DeathMatch_Player21993_WorstScore = "51";
$DeathMatch_Player21993_WorstTeamScore = "1840";
They're a beast. I should make player names save in this just so people reading the save files would know.

Ok, many people dislike grapple knife because nothing is new and noone creates anything fun and exiting, there is ramp, and classic knife which is different concept of grapple knife. Many people still play because of good memories and the community, i still play because its fun af.

Ive grapple knifed for a total of 5 years, all of the people i have come in contact with, is listed in my opinion the best.

1. snowplower (Puffin), Blockhead31735, Light, Chopenguin, Poofin, Kingston, Dr.Diep, Myself aka ur boy baccarat

2. Rexx, Sanctus Rem, FireDemon, WALDO, DragonoidSlayer, Dragonoid-X, H.M. Murdock, Anthonyrules144, Kyle!, ThatBlueCreeper, Pizza Man, Mikey_POP

3. lilscot, Count, Hater, Trance, Cat123, Fortify, Deokotaru, xWither, Haloz, General R

4. AustinBot, FireFly, ProTear, JesusFreak, MasterOfGames24, SQUAR3D, OutPact, Alive

5. A-Spec, KyleM, Dave Strider, Drydess
« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 05:14:12 PM by Kareem »

Ok, many people dislike grapple knife because nothing is new and noone creates anything fun and exiting, there is ramp, and classic knife which is different concept of grapple knife. Many people still play because of good memories and the community, i still play because its fun af.

Ive grapple knifed for a total of 5 years, all of the people i have come in contact with, is listed in my opinion the best.

1. snowplower (Puffin), Blockhead31735, Light, Chopenguin, Poofin, Kingston, Dr.Diep, Myself aka ur boy baccarat

2. Rexx, Sanctus Rem, FireDemon, WALDO, DragonoidSlayer, Dragonoid-X, H.M. Murdock, Anthonyrules144, Kyle!, ThatBlueCreeper, Pizza Man, Mikey_POP

3. lilscot, Count, Hater, Trance, Cat123, Fortify, Deokotaru, xWither, Haloz, General R

4. AustinBot, FireFly, ProTear, JesusFreak, MasterOfGames24, SQUAR3D, OutPact, Alive

5. A-Spec, KyleM, Dave Strider, Drydess
I'm the best confirmed.

Ok, many people dislike grapple knife because nothing is new and noone creates anything fun and exiting, there is ramp, and classic knife which is different concept of grapple knife. Many people still play because of good memories and the community, i still play because its fun af.

Ive grapple knifed for a total of 5 years, all of the people i have come in contact with, is listed in my opinion the best.

1. snowplower (Puffin), Blockhead31735, Light, Chopenguin, Poofin, Kingston, Dr.Diep, Myself aka ur boy baccarat

2. Rexx, Sanctus Rem, FireDemon, WALDO, DragonoidSlayer, Dragonoid-X, H.M. Murdock, Anthonyrules144, Kyle!, ThatBlueCreeper, Pizza Man, Mikey_POP

3. lilscot, Count, Hater, Trance, Cat123, Fortify, Deokotaru, xWither, Haloz, General R

4. AustinBot, FireFly, ProTear, JesusFreak, MasterOfGames24, SQUAR3D, OutPact, Alive

5. A-Spec, KyleM, Dave Strider, Drydess
danteko is at a place higher than the scoreboards i presume