Zapk - Running some sort of script on my server, crashing my server & blockland

Author Topic: Zapk - Running some sort of script on my server, crashing my server & blockland  (Read 6114 times)

That's an old trick to crashing servers. I doubt it was Zapk. He's a lot more creative than some well known command.


  • Administrator
That's an old trick to crashing servers.

If you could elaborate via email or PM that'd be great.

This makes no sense. onMissionLoaded is a server-side function that basically creates the server. There is a ton of missing information here.

This makes no sense. onMissionLoaded is a server-side function that basically creates the server. There is a ton of missing information here.
yes like i said on the previous page i don't see how this can even work. onMissionLoaded doesn't take any arguments either

this makes absolutely no sense. He's literally just chatting a script that woudn't even do anything. Unless he had actual eval access that chat does nothing. It's just made to look scary.

This makes no sense. onMissionLoaded is a server-side function that basically creates the server. There is a ton of missing information here.
yes like i said on the previous page i don't see how this can even work. onMissionLoaded doesn't take any arguments either

If you could elaborate via email or PM that'd be great.

Literally, saying "for(%i=0;%i<100;%i++){onMissionLoaded(" SPC" @getNonsense());}" in chat is no more harmful than saying "hi" in chat. If you actually *executed* the code, it would freeze your server up for a while but just saying it in chat does not make it execute. I have absolutely no idea why people are freaking out over this. Do we have any actual evidence to suggest that this person is actually crashing servers???

he was abusing the lack of flood timers on teamchat and i was told that he spammed enough to crash servers

he was abusing the lack of flood timers on teamchat and i was told that he spammed enough to crash servers
wasn't that fixed in the last update?

i was responding to ip saying that this guy has crashed servers

he was abusing the lack of flood timers on teamchat and i was told that he spammed enough to crash servers
I'm asking if we have any evidence that he's crashing servers *right now.* The dude's a stuffhead no doubt but the only thing that he's done that people have been pointing out as of right now have been completely harmless.

fyi this isn't a key that ku klux klan gave to zapk, it is actually him
he acts literally exactly how he always has, and has outright said multiple times he's not zapk