Author Topic: RTB Prefs all screwed up; only shows "tests" when It should be showing others  (Read 1030 times)

My RTB prefs have been screwed up for several months now and I have absolutely no idea what's causing it.
I only have one item in the prefs menu, called "test". Nothing else. I should literally have dozens of different mods in there to customize prefs on but only this one shows up anymore. I have no idea what it's for.

Console log attached

try removing Support_Preferences

In addition to the above, some RTB versions seem to have test preferences in the code. You can fix this yourself:

- Open up your
- Go into the hooks directory
- Open serverControl.cs in your favorite text editor
- Scroll all the way down until you see these two lines:
Code: [Select]
RTB_registerPref("Test 1","Tests","$Pref::Test1","num 1 100","Test",5,0,0);
RTB_registerPref("Test 2","Tests","$Pref::Test2","float 1 100","Test",5,0,0);
- Remove those lines

I tried accessing my System_ReturnToBlockland zip file and it refuses to let me access it saying it is "Invalid"

I removed Support_Preferences. I'm gonna go get a fresh copy of RTB to use.

Blockland Glass forgets up the prefs when not in its own pref menu from my experience.