Author Topic: PSA: Ragref spams child research on Discord  (Read 18267 times)

Ragref, as you know him from GBFL, also known as Gum, is a player and user on the forums. He has spammed child research in private messages in a Discord that I am currently in. We don't have this kind of evidence because it's illegal to keep the pictures. Various people on the Discord have confirmed of this happening, however. The Discord and I are trying to communicate the Discord developer. This drama is only a warning to any of you who are friends with Ragref or you have him on your Discord.

If you have him on your discord, I'd suggest to please kick or ban on sight. Share any evidence of him doing the same/similar spamming of shock images or child research if you have it. Report him if you will. Do NOT confront him about this as he may spam you and your discords, or will kick you in his own Discord.

Thank you.

loving disgusting, I knew sooner or later he'd do something like this

loving disgusting, I knew sooner or later he'd do something like this
what why

could we get some of these witnesses to post in this drama to confirm it

what the absolute forget

That's just absolutely forgeted.

does he want the FBI on his doorstep or what

what why
Imagine how Toxicology acted on here, just on Discord

From the way he was acting I knew something horrid would happen sooner or later

wait hold on guys why are you just blindly supporting this
i understand that we can't get like evidence but we need witnesses

wait hold on guys why are you just blindly supporting this
i understand that we can't get like evidence but we need witnesses

eon, he is just giving a warning, you don't need evidence for a warning. all he's saying is watch out because he could possibly get you arrested

Apparently I was wrong about this entire drama. I was pranked into thinking he posted CP.

Please ignore this for now, I am PMing Badspot to lock this.

Apparently I was wrong about this entire drama. I was pranked into thinking he posted CP.

Please ignore this for now, I am PMing Badspot to lock this.

haha how the forget did you manage that, its like when matthew got rick rolled by nick