Author Topic: #Pizzagate  (Read 39472 times)

educate yourself
trust me, i've had this drive sent to me by a couple of steam friends.

it's compelling, but i think moreso that it's just a compelling conspiracy. there's an art to weaving together media, literature, news, etc. to create these things, which is why a lot of them remain in the cultural zeitgeist(moon hoax, 9/11 truthers, etc.), and a lot of them don't. in a way, they're like pulp serials - they keep you hanging on with little bits each time, in the hopes of a huge payoff at the end. that's why stuff like the Matrix or the Da Vinci Code are so big - the idea that everything is a lie and you're in on the secret, and not only are you in on it, you can also have the power to change things. but do you?

so IMO it doesn't escape the grasp of "great conspiracy", rather than "truth"

there's an art to weaving together media, literature, news, etc. to create these things, which is why a lot of them remain in the cultural zeitgeist(moon hoax, 9/11 truthers, etc.), and a lot of them don't. in a way, they're like pulp serials - they keep you hanging on with little bits each time, in the hopes of a huge payoff at the end. that's why stuff like the Matrix or the Da Vinci Code are so big - the idea that everything is a lie and you're in on the secret, and not only are you in on it, you can also have the power to change things. but do you?
There is kind of an art to it, but the people who come up with this stuff have this weird mental pathology where their certainty in a given theory (moon-landing, lizards, w/e) increases proportionally with its unlikeliness and the amount of dissent they get from their peers.

The conspiracy-theorist talent for weaving unrelated bits of information into a compelling narrative would be a whole lot more impressive if they didn't actually buy into it and didn't recruit lynchmobs to bankrupt some random pizzeria.

Am I being forgeted with, or did you actually have some sort of colossal intellectual downspiral over the past few months?

it's hilarious how you openly brag about being unwilling to accept evidence contrary to your views yet im the one who's unintelligent

I haven't checked out the newest evidence pointing to illuminati lizard-people either, but I'd venture to say nothing much has changed.

>tfw too intelligent to need evidence
>tfw too intelligent for facts

they're just trying to stuff on hillary as hard as possible. everybody else just happened to be in the blast radius

there is very strong evidence that hillary bribed hatian officials to free 10 of her people that were caught trying to smuggle 33 hatian children out of the country.

anyone wanna explain why this was encrypted and stored on the comet ping pong server?

what did he mean by this

There is kind of an art to it, but the people who come up with this stuff have this weird mental pathology where their certainty in a given theory (moon-landing, lizards, w/e) increases proportionally with its unlikeliness and the amount of dissent they get from their peers.
The conspiracy-theorist talent for weaving unrelated bits of information into a compelling narrative would be a whole lot more impressive if they didn't actually buy into it and didn't recruit lynchmobs to bankrupt some random pizzeria.

the thing about this that makes me not want to dismiss it entirely is that it's about something that actually happens, child trafficking, not something like a faked moon landing or lizard people.

anyone wanna explain why this was encrypted and stored on the comet ping pong server?

what did he mean by this

holy stuff

so IMO it doesn't escape the grasp of "great conspiracy", rather than "truth"
even if it is a great conspiracy, its just so fun to go along with it. i dont see how yall can be so hostile to people genuinely taking interest in this.

if they didn't actually buy into it and didn't recruit lynchmobs to bankrupt some random pizzeria.
now these people, forget these people. but i dont think anyone here are those kind of people

anyone wanna explain why this was encrypted and stored on the comet ping pong server?
"this totally real image that i definitely didnt create and claim i found on the deep web encrypted pizza place servers is undeniable evidence"

anyone wanna explain why this was encrypted and stored on the comet ping pong server?
Do you actually have any evidence that it was on their servers? Because what's far more likely is that someone on 4chan typed that up in Word, took a screenshot, and then re-saved it as a jpeg a couple of times to give it that nice compressed-look that makes it look mercurial and interesting. Then, they posted it on a Pizzagate thread and had a good laugh while you guys lapped it up as damning evidence.

the venn diagram of people who treat conspiracy dossiers as gospel instead of with skepticism and people who don't use their blinkers is a circle

Do you actually have any evidence that it was on their servers? Because what's far more likely is that someone on 4chan typed that up in Word, took a screenshot, and then re-saved it as a jpeg a couple of times to give it that nice compressed-look that makes it look mercurial and interesting. Then, they posted it on a Pizzagate thread and had a good laugh while you guys lapped it up as damning evidence.

this isnt the original, its been screenshotted. last month they raided the servers and there was a file dump of a bunch of encrypted files. someone hacked the comet ping pong server and found the username and password were qwerty/qwerty, so you were able to log in yourself and see all the files that were saved there. there were thousands of videos and a ton of pictures. this is one of the pictures they were able to crack.

the venn diagram of people who treat conspiracy dossiers as gospel instead of with skepticism and people who don't use their blinkers is a circle

i could say something similarly disparaging about people who take the lying mainstream news networks as gospel

I've never seen an image that looked so fake before in my life

the mainstream media told me that all other news is fake
I believe that all the other news is real because they told me the mainstream media is fake!

this isnt the original, its been screenshotted. last month they raided the servers and there was a file dump of a bunch of encrypted files. someone hacked the comet ping pong server and found the username and password were qwerty/qwerty, so you were able to log in yourself and see all the files that were saved there. there were thousands of videos and a ton of pictures. this is one of the pictures they were able to crack.

this isnt the original, its been screenshotted. last month they raided the servers and there was a file dump of a bunch of encrypted files. someone hacked the comet ping pong server and found the username and password were qwerty/qwerty, so you were able to log in yourself and see all the files that were saved there. there were thousands of videos and a ton of pictures. this is one of the pictures they were able to crack.
so youre telling me someone got access to comet ping pongs most sensitive files, and they didnt save any of this VERY incriminating information, and just decided to take screenshots?

this isnt the original, its been screenshotted. last month they raided the servers and there was a file dump of a bunch of encrypted files. someone hacked the comet ping pong server and found the username and password were qwerty/qwerty, so you were able to log in yourself and see all the files that were saved there. there were thousands of videos and a ton of pictures. this is one of the pictures they were able to crack.
Literally who is 'they' though? There is no evidence that any of this actually happened, beyond the fact that it confirms the crazy theories of a bunch of 4chan users.

This is, at the core, the reason why mob justice is so stuffty. All it takes is one of the thousands of Pizzagate followers to lie and say that they 'cracked a server' or 'found this document', and then all of a sudden, the rest of them feel like their suspicions are confirmed and they're even more enthusiastic about mailing death threats and writing fake reviews.

Ever seen the Arthur Miller play 'The Crucible' about the Salem witch trials? This is brown townogous to the part where the girls start yelling about seeing random villagers frolicking with the devil. All it takes is one, and then they all start spilling lies.

this isnt the original, its been screenshotted. last month they raided the servers and there was a file dump of a bunch of encrypted files. someone hacked the comet ping pong server and found the username and password were qwerty/qwerty, so you were able to log in yourself and see all the files that were saved there. there were thousands of videos and a ton of pictures. this is one of the pictures they were able to crack.

There is no evidence that any of this actually happened, beyond the fact that it confirms the crazy theories of a bunch of 4chan users.

keep in mind that its because of these "4chan" users you hate so much that we know so much about the clinton emails. these extremely motivated people combed through tens of thousands of emails each to find connections to her various crimes. while the mainstream media does nothing but push a fake narrative at the behest of their corporate backers, citizen journalists are the only people actually evaluating the evidence.

the mainstream media told me that all other news is fake
I believe that all the other news is real because they told me the mainstream media is fake!