Author Topic: badspot is an actual starfish and i am angry  (Read 29964 times)

This monday is fluctuating between three and four

like you two are so bad you couldn't hold betels nuts lmao
betel doesnt have any
why hold that when i can hold a walnut

For Buzzwanker,
You walnut, I'm not banned I'm leaving because none of you are worth my time anymore.


you cant leave forums, just get banned and forget off

nah he's trying to elevate right to stage 6 but in the process he got his ass stuck on stage 5

not tryin to be one, m8
look if you're making buzzwanker look smart you've got to be trolling because nobody is that stupid

This monday is fluctuating between three and four
actually, im mixed, so that word doesnt really work to define me, but good try

nah he's trying to elevate right to stage 6 but in the process he got his ass stuck on stage 5

He isn't banned yet tho

betel doesnt have any
why hold that when i can hold a walnut
*egoraptors autism intensifies*

nah he's trying to elevate right to stage 6 but in the process he got his ass stuck on stage 5
no im at stage 8, jacking off

*egoraptors autism intensifies*
actually i'm not autistic, but good try

no im at stage 8, jacking off
based on your forums posts you have erectile dysfunction

you cant leave forums, just get banned and forget off
I can. It's called, change my password to something I won't remember and never come back. Now forget off, like sorry your parents don't love you but I got better things to do than talk to a neanderthal like you.

actually i'm not autistic, but good try
only autism tm gets to determine who has autism. you don't

based on your forums posts you have erectile dysfunction
actually he's a ken doll based on his posts