Author Topic: Chat Emotes Restored v9  (Read 12148 times)


- Cleaned up echos and made it less spammy. Now states a total amount of emotes added for each addon, instead of echoing for every single emote added.

- RTB and Glass groups wont show up in /listemotes if the server doesn't have their icons. (it checks if their logo icons exist)

- The script should no longer attempt to place an emote where it cannot fit. This means less stray/unfinished <bitmap tags appearing in chat.

- Misc cleanups and fixes.


- Fixed integrated support for default blockland ui and ci, rtb, and glass icons as emotes.

- Version is now shown in /listemotes command
« Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 06:16:41 PM by Crispy_ »


- serverCmdMessageSent in package is now nearly identical to blockland source code. It'll still parent to the unedited function if no potential emote is detected.

- RTB Pref support.
You can now enable/disable blockland ui, blockland ci, blockland glass, and return to blockland icons being used as emotes.

- Removed console print that was left in for debug purposes. Added spacing to the console printing that occurs when the addon is being executed.


- Now makes use of this script by portify. Datablock footprint is now ZERO. I still don't recommend having a lot of emotes, as it'll still increase load times for people joining your server.

- You can now specity a color in the peReplace function. This is to help mod makers maintain the color of the line.

v8 has been accepted on glass, now I'm waiting on v9. If you actually use glass to download your add-ons, please be patient.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 07:33:32 AM by Crispy_ »