Author Topic: Event_setWorldSpaceMovement  (Read 5022 times)


what happens when you move the mouse?
your player just turns but it doesn't affect how you move

I have my private first person no vertical look player. If anyone wants to use, please PM. It's very simple, I've made it to an abandoned 2d shooter.

I remember suggesting this over a year ago and now there's new ways to play the game!

your player just turns but it doesn't affect how you move
but say what directions does what

if you move the mouse left or right does it turn the player or does the character look "to" the cursor like a real top-down tihjng

but say what directions does what

if you move the mouse left or right does it turn the player or does the character look "to" the cursor like a real top-down tihjng
turn the player
if you want it to do that it would need a dll to pick up the mouse movement inputs.

can we make the player turn in whatever direction theyre moving

and stop them from crouching

can we make the player turn in whatever direction theyre moving
That is something I would like to see. Sadly that doesn't happen at the moment.

we seriously need the restricted vertical camera movement, though.

we seriously need the restricted vertical camera movement, though.
Top-Down Player does that.

Top-Down Player does that.
Oh, didnt know that was a thing, Mind if you link me to it?

Oh, didnt know that was a thing, Mind if you link me to it?
You should probably read the main posts of add-on release topics you post in or use. This goes for mod release posts for any game, not even just Blockland alone.

You should also use it with a playertype that restricts players from looking up or down, like the Top Down Player.

hurry someone remake the entirety of mgs1