
What is your favorite Linux Distro?

Ubuntu derivative/Mint, Elementary
Debian derivative (other than Ubuntu)
Arch derivative (Manjaro)
Other (Please specify)
Linux is for illegal hackers

Author Topic: Favorite Linux Distros?  (Read 5931 times)

Arch is more trouble than it's worth. It just gives you extra Linux Boy™ points.

Arch is more trouble than it's worth. It just gives you extra Linux Boy™ points.

Linux is more trouble than it's worth. It just gives you extra Computer Boy™ points.

I use ubuntu because I needed a quick install before the semester started but i'm debating on switching to arch

I had arch on my old machine, but I normally dual boot with windows 10 for gaming

Ubuntu is great for the average user who just wants to use a free OS, however if you're not a big ubuntu person then something like Debian will work good as well.

How the forget does linux even work
I tried it
apperently everything works with the terminal stuff
I cant even find the goddamn terminal

downloaded and played Pingus, it is a good game with level creator too!
Download Yours!

I like debian
I'd like to switch to linux full time but there's just...... so much windows stuff I like
I couldn't live without sharex

Windows I dont use linux mostly because im poor so i cant afford storage and how the forget do you dual boot anyway.

If i ever get a linux version i am using Linux Mint Cinnamoni am a scrub, i know. I use it on a slow virtual machine and it works well but slow due to being emulated.

Also i dont want to give up windows games or DirectX im never switching fully to Linux.

Windows I dont use linux mostly because im poor so i cant afford storage and how the forget do you dual boot anyway.

If i ever get a linux version i am using Linux Mint Cinnamoni am a scrub, i know. I use it on a slow virtual machine and it works well but slow due to being emulated.

Also i dont want to give up windows games or DirectX im never switching fully to Linux.
no correlation

I hope this is a joke but the Unity Desktop environment has had/has these problems:
  • Clunky
  • Cannot be moved to another side
  • Buggy as stuff when it came out
  • Made Ubuntu lose lots of users when it was first released (most of which, have never came back)
  • Canonical released it very abruptly

I hope this is a joke but the Unity Desktop environment has had/has these problems:
  • Clunky
  • Cannot be moved to another side
  • Buggy as stuff when it came out
  • Made Ubuntu lose lots of users when it was first released (most of which, have never came back)
  • Canonical released it very abruptly

He said he's never used linux, so chances are he didn't realize we were talking about a desktop environment instead of a game engine.

I understand that Unity had a poor beginning and a lot of people were sad to see it replace GNOME on Ubuntu so quickly; but in it's present state it's fairly solid and I appreciate it for that. I'm still looking at alternatives regardless simply because I'm curious to see if I can find something I'll like even more. LXDE is looking fairly promising.

I'll always have a special place in my heart for Gnome 2. After all, I started using Ubuntu in 7.04 when I was about 11 or 12. It was perfect. If I use Linux I typically install MATE.
Blockland even worked on those old versions of WINE.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 09:20:39 PM by Steve5451² »